Welcome to anotherĀ Tesla Tuesday!
It’s interesting to see the reaction when someone finds out we are getting a Tesla. There are all the standard general EV responses, but there are also people that assume this means that I have a Bernie Sanders shrine in my house. It did get me wondering whether most Tesla buyers really are Democrats though.
A recent survey shows that 22% of Democrats were considering buying a Tesla and 17% of Republicans were considering it. [source] I suppose that a car choice can be political for some people, but for me it was long term cost of ownership, an interest in the technology, and a desire to buy American along with all the other reasons I cited in my original post.
In happier, non-political news, we continue to creep closer to our estimated delivery month of May. The estimate changes a bit so I don’t put a lot of stock in it, but every day that passes gets us closer.
Today I looked at the used car market and found our exact model for sale with 4000 miles. It was listed for $1839.49 more than what we’ll pay even after taxes and delivery/doc fees. I really do want to replace the Escape so that’s not enough to make me change my mind but it’s interesting to think about. Usually you drive off the lot and lose value, not gain it.