– Ben Martens

Changing Guidelines

Our family had a brush with COVID again, but thankfully it was extremely light, and we wouldn’t have even suspected it if we weren’t being overly cautious and testing before visiting with some highly susceptible people. I was surprised to see how much the guidelines had changed since the last time I read them. Due to some unknown combination of herd immunity, vaccines, improved scientific knowledge, and political pressure, there’s no more mandatory 5-day isolation, 5 days of masking, etc. My stance on this has always been to follow what the experts are saying because I don’t have access to as much data and knowledge as they do. But that means I’m aligning myself with guidance that will change. It’s great when guidance changes because more data has become available, but regardless, the guidance still changes.

As I was processing all that, it struck me how many people in this world do the same thing with their religion. They base it on what the leaders of their religion are saying today. Some churches even put out a regular magazine just to keep up with all the changes to the religion. Current rules and guidelines can disagree with what was said before and now you’re just expected to change your life view and align with the new writings.

You know what never changes? God’s Word. My faith is based on what is written there, not on what any human says or writes. That document has been unedited and unchanged for thousands of years. I’m thankful to be a part of a church body that bases all its teachings directly on the Bible. Teachings today are directly in line with what was taught hundreds or thousands of years ago. I don’t have to wonder if the core foundation of my life is going to get shifted by what a human decides when they wake up tomorrow.

Interested in learning more? Or just interested in free burgers and hot dogs? We’re having our annual outdoor worship service and cookout this Sunday at 9:30am in Bellevue.