The Seattle Post-Intelligencer is the largest paper in the country to go online only for financial reasons. They’ve always had a decent web presence, but now they are really ramping it up. They have one specific reader blog which I have followed for a few years called Ski Junkies. The writers are volunteers and don’t work for the paper. Last fall I wrote an email to the PI asking if I could write for the blog too. I didn’t hear back and figured I had been rejected, but a couple days ago, I got an email asking if I was still interested. They were understandably busy this winter as they made a major business model change.
To make a long story short, I’m going to be an official blogger for the Seattle PI! We’re going through all the paperwork right now, but I should be ready to rock in a few weeks. There won’t be much to write about this summer, but I’m looking forward to having this as an outlet for ski content in the winter. I’ll let you know when my first post goes up on their site.
[UPDATE] Wow, they work fast. My headshot and bio are already up on the page.