– Ben Martens


Best Of YouTube

Mark Rober has another great video. This time it’s about the science behind carnival games. I’ve seen videos like this before but he does an especially good job. I appreciated how he broke down the games into categories based on their feasibility and collected data about win percentages, cost of the prizes, etc.

Flite Test started out as an remote control airplane channel, but they have expanded to include some full scale airplane content as well. Recently, Josh got to take a flight with aerobatic pilot Sean Tucker. When I was growing up, I had two pictures with autographs hanging on my wall. One was from all 6 Thunderbird pilots and the other was from Sean Tucker. He shares some interesting thoughts in addition to amazing flying in this video.

Frank Howarth is a wizard with the lathe and recently he learned how to carve perfect circles. He immediately took it to the extreme and created a wooden eyeball.

Learn Quick With Mike Boyd

One of my favorite new channels on YouTube (where “new” means “I just learned about it) is Learn Quick With Mike Boyd. Mike is a Scottish YouTuber who picks a skill and videos his attempts to learn it. And when I say he learns it, I mean that he works incessantly on the new skill until he hits an impressive milestone. For example, how about riding a wheelie for 50 meters or doing a 5x5x5 Rubik’s Cube in under 10 minutes? I’m plowing through the entire catalog of his YouTube channel.

It’s infectious. Think of all the skills you’ve been impressed by but have never taken the time to learn. The really amazing part of his channel is that it generally only takes me five or six hours to pick up these incredible skills! He goes from zero to impressive in the time it takes to watch a couple movies. I think we’ve all wasted five or six hours in the last month, or maybe even the last week. I can’t help but feel motivated when I watch this stuff.

Best of YouTube

One of my new favorite YouTube channels is from Mike Boyd. He picks an interesting skill and goes all-in until he figures it out. His recent video about stacking dice is a great example:

Destin traveled with his kids to see a US world record domino fall. If you like this video, check out the other behind-the-scenes video that he mentions.

Peter Brown is a magician when it comes to epoxy. In this latest one, he experiments with adding fluorescing pigment to the epoxy. The video starts a big abruptly but just stick with it. The end result is really neat.

Cutting The Cord

We still have cable in our house, but it’s the most basic package and it only costs us $10/month. We’d probably ditch it entirely except that we can’t get good over the air reception in our location. To help figure out where to watch things, a bunch of great websites have popped up. (All of these tips have come form the excellent Cordkillers podcast.)

  • – Create a list of the TV shows and movies that you want to watch, tell it what streaming services you subscribe to, and then the website will tell you which shows you can watch on those services. I’ve gotten in the habit of putting movies on my list and then eventually when they make it to the streaming services, I can watch them from the comfort of my own home.
  • – This site only works for NFL and College Football right now, but it’s still a great idea. You tell it which teams you want to follow and it tells you which streaming service you should subscribe to so you can watch the most games.
  • – What’s the cheapest way to watch all your favorite channels? This site will help you figure out. But here’s a tip: don’t select channels that you would be willing to subscribe to separately (like HBO). That will give you better search results.


The Stuff You Should Know podcast is full of awesome trivia, but one of their recent episodes taught me a lot about a subject I thought I already knew well. The title is “Sunburn, Suntans and Sunscreen“. Throughout the episode they busted a bunch of myths that I thought were facts and explained the science behind sunscreen. I’m especially interested in the topic given the three chunks of skin that I’ve had cut out of me. If you only listen to one episode of that show, this is a good one to listen to! You don’t have to do anything fancy to subscribe if you don’t want to. Just go to that link and click play.

And if you like that one, check out another one of my recent favorites: How Ketchup Works.

Amazing Live Streams

The other morning I stumbled across the NASA live stream and they were doing a space walk. I threw the video onto the TV and Elijah and I watched live video of someone in space. Then later at work I read the day’s xkcd comic and it referenced a live video stream from a robot that is exploring the ocean. The future is now!

Lots o’ Legos

In on of my recent Best of YouTube posts, I mentioned a user named JANGBRICKS, but I think he deserves his own post. His real name is Bamidele, but he goes by the name JANG which stands for “Just a Nice Guy.”

Elijah likes to watch his Lego videos, but he has lots of other collections like Playmobil, Halo stuff, and knives. I don’t know where all his money comes from, but he worked for PayPal and EduSoft in the past.

Regardless of how he does it, his Lego collection is enormous. In a recent video, he mentioned that he has about 500,000 pieces that came from buying Lego setes and a couple tens of thousands more from custom orders. If you figure an average price of $0.10/piece, that’s a big investment, but honestly, it’s not as much as I thought when I saw his setup.

On his YouTube channel, he reviews all (?) the new Lego sets and he also shows custom builds that he does for his big city. He states many places that Lego does not sponsor him at all and everything is bought with his own money. His custom builds are a treat to watch. He’s a magician with Legos.

If you enjoy Legos, this is a great channel to subscribe to.

Best Of YouTube

This first video is actually two videos. Sneaky. The one embedded below is a series of physics riddles. Watch it first and think about your answers. Once you feel good about your answers, what this video to see the actual answers. I only got two right (and one was little more than a lucky guess.)

Mark Rober is the world’s most awesome uncle and he’s done it again with an awesome Hot Wheels video. Elijah loves his Hot Wheels track and I want to show this to him, but I don’t think he’ll understand that it’s not totally real. He’ll spend the next month asking me for enough track to fill up our whole house.

And finally, I’ve never thought about how ravioli noodles are made, but now that I’ve seen it done, it seems like it could be a fun project. I’ll add this to the list of things to build if I ever get a lathe.

Best Of YouTube

Destin over at Smarter Every Day posted a great video with a guy who can talk backwards. They test him to see how different activities affect his ability to talk backwards. Destin is also the co-host of a good new podcast called No Dumb Questions.

This next recommendation is really an entire channel: The Q. These videos show how to make some fun machines with common household items. His main materials are cardboard and hot glue. For example, here’s a robotic arm made from simple syringes and cardboard.

How many do think are in Australia herding cattle with a HELICOPTER? 10? Well, according to this article, 10 of them die every year. This looks very effective… and completely crazy.

Best of YouTube

Colin Furze is blowing up YouTube. Almost literally. I recommend that you watch almost all of his videos, but here’s his most recent one. He made a giant fire tornado with fireworks on top to celebrate hitting 4 million subscribers to his channel. Tim, I expect something like this at your next Fourth of July party.

Matt Cremona is an accomplished woodworker, but he’s been spend the past months building a giant bandsaw mill in his back yard. This is a big step up from the chainsaw mill he used before. After cutting some “smaller” logs, he was finally able to load test it with a 53″ cut. The saw didn’t even bog down. If I still lived in Minneapolis I’d be excited to visit Matt and buy some wood from him. It’s probably not economical to drive from Seattle though.

As part of Elijah’s bedtime routine, he gets to watch a few minutes of YouTube. Originally it was usually something like a music video from Caspar Babypants but now he just asks for something and we pull it up. For the past few weeks he has been asking exclusively for Lego videos. That’s how we stumbled across a YouTube user called JANGBRiCKS. He’s a full time YouTuber and he spends his time working on his enormous Lego layout and reviewing new sets that come out. Most of the videos are too long for Elijah’s bedtime, but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t continued watching them after finishing putting Elijah to sleep.