– Ben Martens

Check Status Without Waking Up

Welcome to anotherĀ Tesla Tuesday!

It’s been a while since we’ve had one of these updates, but I’m still loving the car and looking for excuses to drive it. We have 48,000 miles on it and we’re still on track to meet my goal of having this car cost the same or less over 100k miles than the car we would have purchased instead.

The topic today is a quick one with a big impact. Previously when you opened the app, it would immediately wake up the car. When the car is awake, it consumes a percent or two of battery just sitting there. Ideally it falls back into a very low power sleep mode quickly but sometimes that can take hours to happen. (Side note: why does it take so long? I wish I could push a button and force it into sleep mode.) TeslaMate let me easily see if the car was asleep without waking it up, but a recent change to the Tesla app now does the same thing. If I open the app while the car is asleep, it will stay asleep until I issue it a command.