– Ben Martens

Dry July

Seattle generally has great summer weather, but this one has been extraordinary. The forecast every day is 80 and cloudless sunshine. That generally starts in July but this year it started in early/mid June. If you want to read all the details, check out Cliff Mass’s blog post, but here are some highlights for the entire month of July:

  • Quillayute, WA (on the coast) tied the driest month on record set 124 years ago (0.01 inch.)
  • Seattle had only a trace of rain, the driest since 1960.
  • The coast in the Northwest experienced 2% of our normal rain.
  • Only two days failed to reach 70 and no days were in the 90s.

While “the best” is hard to quantify, this is probably “the best” July most Seattle residents have ever experienced and that’s saying a lot because July is usually so good anyway.

The fantastic weather isn’t set to end anytime soon. The long range forecasts from the national climate center are showing continued dry, nice weather for at least the next couple weeks.