– Ben Martens

Monarch Money – 1 Year Review

It’s been over a year since I moved away from the dying to Monarch Money to keep track of our finances. As with any tool like this, it takes a while to get everything hooked up and configured nicely, but now that it’s there, I really like it. My favorite part so far is the automated rules that do a great job of figuring out how I like to categorize our expenses. Now my periodic trips into the tool are more about reviewing the line items instead of manually categorizing them all. All that categorization is especially nice at the end of the year to look back and see where our money has been going and decide if that seems reasonable or not.

My only complaint is that it does not hook up to our accounts, but I believe that’s a problem on Thrivent’s end. They were flaky with their connection to Mint as well.

If you don’t have a good way to keep track of where your money is going, I think you could do a lot worse than using Monarch Money. This isn’t a paid advertisement or anything, but I do have a referral code you can use that gets you a free month and then I get a month for free as well.