– Ben Martens


Buying Jeans

leviamazonI’m not a big fan of shopping for clothes. Usually I hold out as long as possible and then let Tyla drag me to a store where I try to get it all over with as quickly as possible. Part of the problem is that I’m about equal height to your average ogre.

For example, here’s how I buy jeans: Walk into the store and immediately start going through all of the piles looking to see if anything is my size. After I’ve found the three pairs in the entire store that could fit me, I try them on and hopefully buy one or two.

But now I’ve discovered how to get out of shopping trips AND find jeans that fit better: AMAZON! It seems so obvious I wonder why I’ve never thought of it before. I looked through my pile of jeans and figured out which styles of Levis I generally buy and found the corresponding product page on Amazon. From there I chose my size and then chose from about a dozen different colors. A couple days later, they showed up at my door. Brililant.

Goals For Summer

snoopyspringfeverIt’s only the beginning of February but we’re already starting to get some warmer days. The lawn is waking up, plants are starting to grow, and people are starting to catch spring fever. I’m loving the increasing daylight hours. This time of year is usually very cloudy so on those clear mornings I’m shocked at how early it gets bright. “Spring” lasts a very long time in the Pacific Northwest. It’s roughly now until June and then summer arrives with a bang around the Fourth of July. I’m looking forward to those long summer evenings where we can go out for walks after dinner before Elijah’s bedtime. I’m also hoping to make good use of the warm summer weather on some hikes with Elijah. I’ve already tried to get him out a couple times but the weather and our schedule haven’t aligned. There are so many fun things to see in the mountains and I’m hopeful that he’ll like hiking with me.

There’s no real point here, other than me looking forward to spring and spending time outside with my family. Bring on the sunshine!

Correlation vs Causation

criticalthinkingHow often have you seen a study which states “People who eat X have fewer occurrences of cancer”? If the study says that, the article usually says, or at least implies, that you should eat less X to lower your risk of cancer. Once you notice this pattern, you’ll see it EVERYWHERE. It’s a classic example of mistaking “correlation” for “causation”. Just because people who eat X get cancer less often does not mean that you can CAUSE yourself to have a lower risk of cancer by not eating X. It could be a multitude of other factors. Maybe people who don’t eat X also work out more, maybe they have less stress in their lives, or maybe it’s a combination of a dozen traits. I’m using the food thing as an example but it’s a popular mistake in articles about education, parenting and climate change too.

I often think about what it’s going to be like for Elijah to learn as he goes through school. He’ll have the entire knowledge of humanity at his fingertips. Learning facts is probably not as critical as it was when I was in school. But I think topics like correlation vs causation and recognizing those mistakes in texts will be much more important for him. He needs to be able to sift through the mountain of information to find actual facts that he can use.

I still don’t know how to teach him that skill, but knowing it’s a problem is half the battle, right? It’s probably a combination of logic, fact checking, basic statistics and a few other skills that I haven’t thought of yet. Hopefully I figure it out soon.

Election Season

Bear-Grylls-and-ObamaElection season starts approximately 1 nanosecond after the previous election finishes, but with a presidential election in November, we’re going to be flooded with it this year. I’m at the point where I actively dislike politics. Our constitutional republic system is reasonably good, but what people call “politics” is a sham. It’s just an excuse for people to choose sides of a team and start screaming at each other.

Theoretically, any two people who disagree should be able to backtrack until they find common ground and then move forward step by step to see where they disagree. Unfortunately, this makes for bad TV ratings because it doesn’t have much shouting in it. But it would lead to some pretty interesting philosophical discussions. What is the responsibility of government? What is the role of morality in the government? What are our goals as a country? People disagree at these fundamental levels but we see it exposed way down the line when they’re arguing about health care or bombing another country. You’re unlikely to convince someone that their basic beliefs and logic patterns are wrong by pointing to the end of the chain and saying their result is dumb. I’m as good an example of this as anyone else. If you read this blog 12-13 years ago, you saw me screaming at the other side of the aisle. Dumb. I’m embarrassed by those posts but they are good reminders for me to not fall into that trap again.

Here’s a quick test when you’re reading about politics or having a discussion: if you think the other person is a moron, then you’re probably not having a logical discussion that’s going to result in anything good. For example what’s your gut reaction if I say, “I heard Obama (or Bush) talk for a while last night and he made some good points.” There’s a big chunk of the population that would have a visceral negative reaction and I didn’t even say what he was talking about. Fail. This isn’t healthy.

The example is true though. I watched the President on an episode of “Running Wild with Bear Grylls.” They headed out into the wild and had some very interesting conversations. I realized it was the first time that I’ve ever heard the President have a normal human conversation. In fact, it was one of the first times I’ve ever heard him talk at all since I actively avoid politics. But it was so refreshing to remember that he’s just a guy like all of us. One of the most memorable things he said was that he teaches his daughters to be two things: “useful and kind.” That’s terrific. But could most America agree that good advice came from someone they hate? It’s fine and healthy to disagree with the President, but hate him? No.

We only see that public figures defined by two or maybe three characteristics. The political media loves to exploit this by giving you sound bites that confirm just a few characteristics. This person opposes gun control, this person spends lots of tax money, this person is a warmonger, etc. It’s easy, but ridiculous, to extrapolate that tiny slice of an individual into an overall picture of whether that person is good or bad. Those tiny characatures of a person don’t let you decide that everything that they stand for is blatantly wrong. The truth is almost certainly that you agree on some things and disagree on the others, but the media only focuses on the disagreements because it’s beter for ratings and plays into the “us vs them” mentality that we love to succumb to.

Why are politics so divided? It turns out that liberals and conservatives are wired differently. It’s science. For a quick summary, watch Jonathan Haidt’s Ted talk called “The moral roots of liberals and conservatives“. He proposes that there are 5 moral values that make up politics and if you find out which of those five values people include in their definition of morality, you can predict who they voted for. If you’re intrigued by that talk, listen to his hour-long interview with Leo on the Triangulation podcast. Once you understand that people are fundamentally judging the same facts with different lenses, you can start to see how we continue to have such vehement disagreement.

So this election season, it’s important to be an educated voter and it’s good to have healthy conversations with people on both sides of the aisle, but watch out that you don’t get dragged into treating this like a 3rd grade screaming match. Two intelligent humans can completely disagree on an issue and both be right because most of the issues are completely subjective, and THAT’S OK.

Car Buying Process

2016f150magneticgrayI’m pretty sure that I don’t buy vehicles like normal people. I also think that the current dealer sales model exists because people don’t share information about their car buying ideas. So I’ll do my part to share some info. I’m definitely not saying this is the right/best way to do it, but if you’re thinking about buying a car and you’re masochistic enough to read this whole post, maybe you’ll find a tidbit or two that are useful.

First of all, let me say that I think it’s ridiculous that in 2016 I have to talk to a middleman to buy a vehicle. I can completely build out my vehicle on Why can’t I be given a fair price there and purchase it? I get that we need dealers to service vehicles and they could also provide test drives and be an escrow service and/or a bank loan service, but it’s very frustrating that I have to haggle with a bunch of dealers to get a good price when everybody is selling the exact same thing. The whole business model seems antiquated. That being said, you can still work the model to your advantage but it takes some extra effort.

Before I dive into the process, let’s make sure we are clear on some terminology.

  • MSRP: This is the “sticker price.” It’s what you see if you build a vehicle on the Ford website. Nobody should pay this price.
  • Invoice or Dealer Invoice: This is what the dealer pays to Ford to get the vehicle. Some dealers will try to argue that they can’t go below this number or they will lose money. If somebody tells you that, walk out of the door. You don’t want to deal with someone who lies to your face.
  • Dealer Holdback: Ford periodically sends dealers a check that equates to 2-3% of the invoice price for every vehicle they sold. Why? I don’t know. But if you negotiate well, you can dip into this money to get below invoice pricing.
  • A/X/Z plans: Ford offers special deals for employees, family members, affiliated companies, etc. As the nephew of a Ford employee and also through my company, I’m eligible for the X Plan. This roughly equates to invoice pricing. You walk in and get a flat price with no negotiation and that price is pretty good. The A Plan is the best deal. It equates to invoice minus holdback.
  • Dealer discounts: These are bogus as far as I know. It’s a “discount” that the dealer gives you. But in reality they just start with a higher price and then give you the discount off of that. The discount is never going to get you below invoice minus holdback.
  • Factory rebates/incentives: This is money that Ford pays back to you for buying a vehicle. It could come in the form of low interest loans. With these rebates, you CAN go below that magical invoice minus holdback line. Don’t include these in your negotiations. These are exactly the same for every dealer and they don’t cost the dealer a dime.

I started my detailed research back in September. I found a couple forums that focused on the Ford F150 because I knew that’s the truck I wanted to buy. The best one I found was That place is a gold mine of information about F150s. The most useful things I found were the official order guide and price sheet for the 2016 F150. This was key because it let me know the invoice pricing was for the exact truck I wanted.

I knew I could fall back on the X Plan but I wanted to see if I could beat it. There were a large number of people in the forum getting trucks for ~$500 under invoice and even a few getting it for $1000 under invoice. The holdback on my truck is somewhere around $1500 so I knew that was my absolute bottom line.

The forum taught me that there are three fees that you can’t avoid: Destination, Fuel, and Advertising Assessment. Some dealers might say they aren’t charging you for them, but they have to pay those fees so they’re just tacking on more money to your price somewhere else. It’s all part of the invoice price so stick to invoice price as your negotiation point.

That order guide also alerted me to the fact that the Heavy Duty Payload option that I wanted was not going to be built until the first quarter of 2016. That meant there was no point in being in a rush and I also shouldn’t expect to get my truck until summer. In a good scenario, it takes 10 weeks to get your truck from the time you place the order. Add on some delays and the delayed start to production and I’m looking at a long wait.

The forum also taught me that it was customary for dealers to ask for a $500-1000 deposit when you order a vehicle. This gives them a bit of protection in case you order a weird configuration and then decide you don’t want it. You forfeit that deposit and they can now pass that money on to the person who eventually buys it in case they need some extra bargaining room to offload a weird vehicle configuration.

I put the shopping off until after Christmas, but when the New Year rolled around, I had the final conversation with Tyla and then we moved ahead.

We didn’t have a great experience with Ford of Kirkland when we bought the Escape. The overall dealership was fine but our sales guy was the stereotypical car salesman. I wasn’t eager to chat with him again so I reserved that dealer as my X Plan dealership. You’re not supposed to haggle and THEN pull out the X Plan so if I wanted to use the X Plan, I’d just walk in the door fresh and ask for it.

I did a search for all the Ford dealers in about a 1.5 hour radius. My first contact, for no particular reason, was Harris Ford. I wanted to get one quote in hand to make sure that everything matched up with my expectations before blasting off to a bunch of other dealers. After waiting two days and hearing nothing, I sent the same thing to Evergreen Ford. My phone rang immediately and within an hour I had a quote in my email complete with invoice pricing listed. They quoted me $700 above invoice. I knew I could beat that but it was a starting point.

With that quote in hand, I contacted eight more dealers. Unfortunately, not all of them had their act together. For example, it took Harris Ford 6 days to finally contact me. Marysville Ford never replied to me. Lots of the dealers appeared to be using the Motosnap CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool to handle incoming customer contacts. Lots of dealers also appeared to have very little idea how to use the tool correctly. I got lots of duplicate emails listing different sales people from the same dealer who were supposed to contact me, letters from the manager asking if I was happy with the service even though nobody had contact me, and lots of other goof ups like that. Pretty much every dealer except Evergreen Ford and Autonation Ford Lincoln Bellevue should do a very detailed audit of how well their employees are using the CRM tools. It’s a mess and very quickly gave me the impression that a dealer was old-fashioned and didn’t understand the internet. I was focused on dealers who were happy to converse over email because it was so much easier to organize emails than voice mails.

After the dust had settled, the Bellevue dealer was in the lead. He STARTED with a quote of $500 under invoice. That guy got it. He knew that I was a savvy internet shopper and knew that I’d be getting quotes for somewhere around, or just above, invoice so he started low. Honestly I still feel a little bad about not ordering from him. But because I had started with Evergreen Ford and they had scheduled a test drive for me the following weekend, I had started to build a relationship with them too. I also respected them because they were the only dealer to show me the invoice pricing along with their quote.

Before the test drive, I told my contact that I’d be coming in with my wife and a 2 year old and that I only had about 30 minutes to spend at the dealer before we had to go to another appointment. We almost walked out because their morning sales meeting ran late, but in the end, I stuck around to see how he would react to the delay. Once I saw his reaction, I was glad I waited. I felt like he was honestly thrown off his game and on the defensive. It was a good spot for me so I stuck with it.

We hurried off after the test drive because we had to, but I think it was a good negotiation tactic anyway. Dealers hate to see you walk out their doors because it’s so easy for somebody else to sell you the exact same thing.

Via email and phone later that weekend, I got them to beat the Bellevue price by $100 so it was a total of $600 under invoice. Pretty much every dealer I talked to said “Call me at the end and I’ll beat any price you have.” That bugs me. Just give me a good deal from the beginning. The problem is that no dealer wants to lose a sale for $50 or $100. Well, I didn’t want to keep shopping around and before I got the $600 quote, I said if they gave me that price, I’d stop shopping. So I held to my word and happily ended the process. Could I have shopped it around for another hundred or two in savings and left lots of angry dealers in my wake? Yeah, but I don’t have the stomach for that. My final price was part way between the X Plan price and the A Plan price, right in the sweet spot of the target I set out before this began.

From that point it was easy. I walked in, signed the order form to verify that they were ordering the right options, paid my $1000 deposit and then began the long wait. The only other thing I did was get it written in an email that they wouldn’t automatically tack on any of the dealer extras and then try to charge me for them (like paint protection, theft recovery systems, etc.) Some of the sleazier dealers will do that at least for their cars on the lot.

Once the order makes it into the system, I should be able to track it myself without bugging the dealer. That same F150 forum also has instructions for how to use the Ford Order Tracking system to get extra information about your build.

So what are my summarized pieces of advice?
1. Know the invoice price for your vehicle before you talk to anyone or at least demand to see it as part of your quote.
2. Talk to at least two dealers so you can have some negotiation leverage. Negotiate in terms of the invoice price. Don’t include factory rebates or incentives in the discussion.
3. You can and probably should consider doing all of this from home over the internet and the phone. So many of the sales man tricks only work once you’re sitting at their desk and they know you can’t talk to other dealers.
4. After you’ve got that locked in, THEN you can talk about your trade-in value. And after you get that locked in THEN you can talk about service plans, etc. Don’t let them try to do all those numbers at once because they’ll take money off one and hide it in another place. At that point it’s like trying to squeeze a fat man into tiny pants. No matter where you push, something always pops out.

What would I do differently next time? I think instead of just asking all those dealers for quotes, I would also tell them that I’m blasting out the quote to however many dealers and say that whoever gives me $1000 under invoice first will get my business. That would save all the back and forth about “Call me and I’ll beat any deal”, and if nobody wanted to play ball then I could still go back with a higher offer. That also gives everyone an equal chance and doesn’t favor people who contact me first, give me a test drive, etc. It’s probably a lot faster than what I did too.

If you’re curious exactly what I ordered, here are the specs:

  • 2016 Ford F-150 XLT SuperCrew, 6-1/2′ Box, 3.5L V6 EcoBoost® Engine, 6-Speed Automatic Electronic Transmission w/Tow/Haul Mode, 4X4, 3.73 Electronic Locking Axle
  • Exterior: Magnetic
  • Interior: Medium Earth Gray
  • Seating: Bench
  • Equipment Group 301A
    • Fixed Backlight with Privacy Glass and Defroster
    • 8-way Power Driver’s Seat (Power Lumbar Driver/Manual Lumbar Passenger)
    • 4.2″ Productivity Screen in Instrument Cluster
    • Manual-folding, Power Glass Sideview Mirrors with Heat, Turn Signal, Auto Dimming Feature (Driver’s Side) and Black Skull Caps
    • Auto-Dimming Rearview Mirror
    • Leather-Wrapped Steering Wheel
    • Rear View Camera with Dynamic Hitch Assist
    • Power-Adjustable Pedals
    • Rear Under-seat Storage
    • Class IV Trailer Hitch (incl. Smart Trailer Tow Connector, 4-pin/7-pin wiring)
    • SiriusXM Satellite Radio (7 Speakers)
  • Heavy Duty Payload XLT
    • 3.73 Electronic-locking rear axle
    • 9.75-inch gearset
    • Upgraded springs and auxiliary transmission oil cooler
    • 18-inch Silver Aluminum Wheels
  • Max Trailer Tow
    • Auxiliary transmission oil cooler
    • Integrated Trailer Brake Controller
    • Upgraded front stabilizer bar
    • Upgraded rear bumper
  • Off Road Package
  • SYNC 3
  • Navigation
  • 110 Outlet
  • All weather floor mats

Features are definitely a subjective choice. The nice thing about ordering your own truck is that you can get exactly what you want. I chose to spend my dollars on the hauling, towing and off road capabilities of the truck rather than for interior creature comforts. Yes, I live in a subdivision and no, I won’t need to haul a ton of rocks very often. But I feel like I’m less likely to regret buying a truck that can handle a lot of situations safely than I am to regret not having heated leather seats.

You’ll notice that I did spring for Sync 3 and the Navigation package though. After being underwhelmed with the My Ford Touch Sync 2 in Escape, I was all set to save some money and skip it in the truck. But Sync 3 is a completely new system and it looks like a lot more of what I want in a car computer. Specifically, it puts a lot more of the workload onto the phone which can be upgraded and replaced a lot easier than the truck. It will be support Android Auto next year and we’re probably switching to Android at the end of this year so that will work well for me.

I hope to have this truck for a very long time and make a lot of good memories with it. I’m looking forward to using it to haul bikes to family bike ride spots, go camping, and explore mountain roads in addition to more regular tasks like hauling things to the dump and buying wood. I’ve never owned a truck as a daily driver so that part makes me a little nervous but I’m pretty confident that this is a good decision.

You’ll probably hear a thing or two about this when it arrives my house this summer.

The Future Of TV

youtubelogoThis one is easy. The future of TV is no TV. Or rather, the TV is a display device for content that doesn’t come from traditional sources like NBC or HBO. Don’t believe me? Go into your local high school and take a poll about what kids are watching. There you will learn that most of them are watching more YouTube than anything else.

Next, fire up this video. It’s a highlight of the top YouTube stars from 2015. Recognize any of them? If you’re over 20, congratulations if you get more than one or two.

Put those two things together and you can see that the kids growing up today don’t care about the sitcoms or reality shows on TV. They don’t care about traditional television studios and actors. They are gobbling up content from YouTube stars.

At 35, I’m an old fart in this discussion and my opinion is hardly relevant, but I’ll tell you how my viewing habits have changed. I used to consume a LOT of TV. My scheduled recording list was 40-50 shows long (granted not all of them were actively producing episodes at the same time.) Now it’s down to about half a dozen. On the other side, my YouTube subscription count has gone from 2 or 3 to 39. I love YouTube content because there is a video for every niche. For a while I was watching a bunch of RC plane channels and now I’m watching a lot of woodworking channels. The people in these videos are more “reality” than any reality show on TV. I’ve interacted on social media and even snail mail with a bunch of them. It’s way more engaging than drooling on a couch chuckling at a joke written to appease the lowest common denominator.

So no, TV isn’t dead today or even in five years. If I knew how old-fashioned television studios were going to survive this, I’d probably be a wealthy man. But just keep this in mind the next time you hear about some kid watching YouTube. It’s not just a bunch of people getting kicked in the balls anymore. There are billions of hours of legitimate content out there and all those eyeballs are creating some impressive business opportunities.

2015 Year In Review

2015-numbers1The year 2015 is over?! Crazy talk. It’s not so much that this year went fast, but that this century has been going fast. I still remember sitting in grade school thinking about what the 21st Century would be like and how far into the future that seemed.

I started this year with a clear idea of what I wanted my end-of-year post to be about: simplification. I had too much going on in my life already and with a toddler running around the house, it was just too much to deal with. So I set out to simplify my life. Here’s a list of some of the things I did to try and achieve that goal:

  • After being on the church council for eight (?) years, I asked for a one year break. I had been doing the property maintenance work for the last six years and it was taking up a ton of my time. I felt really guilty about saying no to this. If I’m going to volunteer ANYWHERE, church is at the top of my list, but in retrospect, I’m glad I did it. It was good to step away for a bit, give someone else a chance, and recharge. I’m already signed up to jump back into that role starting January 1, 2016. But this time I’ll have two other people helping me.
  • In early June, I sold my motorcycle. I loved riding it but I didn’t love commuting to work on it. On the weekends, I’d rather spend the time with Tyla and Elijah than go for the long rides that I used to enjoy. So instead, the motorcycle sat in the garage giving me that little twinge of stress/pressure every time I saw it because I was paying insurance bills, the bike was depreciating, and I wasn’t using it. Plus, I had to move it every time I wanted to work in my shop. This was one of the single best moves I made in the past 12 months. I felt so much more relaxed after I sold it.
  • I cleaned up our TV scheduled recordings. If a show gets recorded on our DVR, I feel like I have to watch it. I was watching a bunch of shows “just because.” So I went through the list and trimmed it down basically to the handful of shows that Tyla and I watch together. If I really want to watch those other shows, I can always grab them on Hulu, Amazon, or Netflix. And you know what? I couldn’t even tell you what those shows were. No loss.
  • I disabled most of the notifications on my phone. If my phone buzzes, it’s out of my pocket and in front of my face before I even consciously think about it. I don’t need to be interrupted to find out that somebody commented on my Facebook post or liked my Instagram photo. Now I only have notifications for things like phone calls and messages. I also turned off as many of the live tiles as I could so that I don’t see all these icons with numbers telling me I have unresolved work to do. I’ll get to it when I get to it.
  • I consciously decided/realized that it was OK to give up hobbies. So instead of trying to hobble along with a half dozen different hobbies, I cut it down to ONE: woodworking. It’s a great hobby because I can do it right in my garage whenever I have a few spare minutes. It doesn’t depend on the weather and I don’t have to wait until a facility is open. Sure, I’ll still go skiing, fly planes, go hiking, and go shooting every once in a while, but those are just bonus activities. I no longer feel like I’m required to do them a certain number of times to claim them as hobbies.
  • I take on one project at a time. This is a core principle that we follow in our process at work, and even though I’m the appointed “agile coach” at work, at home I was still going crazy trying to do too many things at once. It’s ridiculously inefficient. So while I don’t have a full Kanban board at home like we do at work, I follow the principles of that process. I do one thing at a time and I FINISH it before starting the next thing. When I finish a project, I look at the list and decide what the next most valuable thing is to work on.
  • There were some simple technical changes too such as switching from Groove (formerly Xbox Music) to Spotify. Groove was one of those nagging things in the back of my mind. It was going to be a non-trivial amount of work to switch services, but I knew that we were missing out on a lot of nice features from Spotify. I finally buckled down and made the change. It wasn’t as hard as I thought and now instead of fighting the limitations of Groove, we have all kinds of great features with Spotify.
  • I have made a concerted effort to keep my shop clean. When I see a nice clean shop, I’m super motivated to start a new project. The reverse is true too. If I can barely walk to my workbench, I have very little desire to do any work. So at the end of each project, I put EVERYTHING away. The nice side effect is that I don’t ever have to waste an entire weekend doing a huge cleanup in the garage. I’m always cleaning bit by bit. This has also been encouragement to build some storage solutions for the shop. Those are good practice for nicer projects that I have in mind that will end up inside the house.
  • I don’t think I’ve mentioned it on this blog yet, but I no longer own the CascadeSkier family of apps. It’s been something that I’ve built and worked on for the last eight years and it just wasn’t that much fun for me anymore. I had been making some money from it but that was pretty low last winter given the terrible snow season. As I was having all those feelings, a fan contacted me and asked if he could develop an iOS app using the same backend service. I said yes and then later, “sold” him everything. It was a $0 transaction because the app basically pays for itself at this point. I probably could have gotten a little money out of it if I fought for it, but honestly I’m just happy to have it go to someone who is excited about it and who will carry it forward. The whole thing was a great learning experience for me.
  • I even took this simplification as far as changing jobs. It was just a change within the company, but so far, it has been a good one. My stress level is much lower and even though I’m still working very hard and learning lots of new things, I feel like this is a healthier spot for me to be in.

Some of those bullet points are obviously bigger than other ones, but sometimes it’s the little changes that can help the most because those little ones can nag you every single day. All of these have added up to a life that I feel is a lot simpler and more manageable. I’m sure it will fill up again, but at least I’ve got a good baseline set so I can work my way back to something like this in the future.

Enough about me! What did we do as a family?

  • The ski season was horrible with very little snow falling in the mountains. I was happy that I had other things to do anyway so it didn’t have a huge impact on me. I got up once just to sample the experience and enjoyed myself.
  • We finally had “Meat Day” at our house while Mom and Dad were visiting. Dad and I visited six meat stores, bought the same cut of meat at each place and then we had a party with a blind taste test.
  • Uncle Dean and Aunt Sandy came to visit us. I spent two summers living with them when I worked at John Deere but I haven’t seen them very often since moving away. It was fun to have them visit and introduce them to Elijah.
  • In May, Tyla, Elijah and I took our first big family vacation together that wasn’t to a family member’s house. We flew down to San Diego and spent time on the beach, on an aircraft carrier, and at the zoo. The weather wasn’t the greatest but we had a wonderful time.
  • I stepped up my woodworking and made a bunch of projects including a jewelry box, front end loader toy, planer cart, wooden snowflakes, noel sign, toy planes, front step benchWashington sign, marker box, guest bed with storage, drill press table, miter saw cart, door stops, table saw stand, two Adirondack chairs, stove cover, and pantry storage bins. Whew, that’s a lot of stuff! My idea list is about 5 times that long though. It grows faster than I can build.
  • We did a couple hikes on our own and with Mandy and Ike. These included Barclay Lake and Greenwater Lakes. I love getting Elijah out into nature. I really hope that he enjoys this and grows into a good hiking partner.
  • We took a trip back to Indiana in August so I could give Dad a hand with the shop/garage that he is building. Luke came over too and we got a lot done.
  • We rented a house on Lake Cavanaugh with Tyla’s family. The weather was surprisingly fantastic given the time of year and we had an amazing time. Elijah still talks about that trip. We are eager to go back again.
  • Elijah went to his first concert (at least one that required a pre-purchased ticket.) We went as a family to see Caspar Babypants in concert and even got his autograph.
  • We flew back to Indiana for Christmas. The trip wasn’t exactly what we had planned, but it was good to hang out with family. It was also fun to see Mom and Dad’s new shop/garage and all the progress that had been made since I was there in August. There will be more about this trip in a future post.

As I mentioned above, my goal for the year was to simplify my life and get more enjoyment from fewer things. I call that a success but it’s not something that will ever be finished. Fatherhood continues to take lots of twists and turns as I try to stay one step ahead of my little man and in sync with Tyla.

We never know what the next year will bring but I feel like I’m heading into it feeling pretty organized. We’ll see if that’s still true in 366 days when the next year in review post goes up. Have a happy leap year!

Previous Year In Review Posts: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

Canon Speedlite 430EX III-RT

Tyla and I usually go for some bigger family gift at Christmas instead of exchanging gifts with each other. Our first gifts like this was the camera and that has gotten a lot of good use. This year we decided to add a nice flash to the camera.

I chose the Speedlite 430 EX III-RT. As the name implies, this is the third version of this model. It has way more features than we’ll ever need but it also means that I probably won’t ever feel the need to buy a different one.

It’s a fully automatic flash so it gets all the info it needs from the settings on the camera. The RT means it supports radio triggering. My camera doesn’t have a built in radio trigger but I could add one on and have the flash fire even if it’s not attached to the camera.

I really enjoy the ability to rotate the flash in two directions to bounce the flash off a nearby wall, etc. It gives a much more natural looking photo instead of the traditional on-camera flash look. I have a LOT to learn about how to use a flash but here’s one of my first tests.

Here’s the baseline. This is the built-in flash on the camera.

This is the new flash with the diffuser attached (it comes in the box with the flash.) It’s a little better but it’s still obviously a picture with a flash.

And finally here’s what it looks like with the new flash bouncing off the side wall. This one looks a lot more natural.

I’m excited to do some reading and really learn how to make good use of this gadget!

Merry Christmas!

Luke 2
The Birth of Jesus

1 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. 2 (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) 3 And everyone went to their own town to register.

4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,

14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.


Wise Men Timing

threewisemenFor as l can remember, I’ve thought that it was silly to have the three wise men in the nativity scenes. They didn’t show up until Jesus was at least a few months (maybe a year or two) old. So I sat down to do a blog post explaining how we know this and… NOPE. I was wrong.

Ok, well we can’t technically say for sure exactly when they arrived, but most of the evidence does indicate that they probably arrived the day (or a couple days) after Jesus was born. This site has a great explanation of how we know this and what a possible timeline looks like. I ran it by Pastor Herrmann and he gave it the thumbs up.

So where did I get this notion in my head that Jesus was quite a bit older? The Bible says that King Herod ordered all of the babies under two years old killed to try and wipe out what he perceived as a threat to his throne. Why would he do this if he knew that Jesus’s birth was very recent? We don’t know. Herod was an angry, mean guy so maybe he could have just been covering all his bases. Or maybe he expanded the time range to make sure that his guards got the message and didn’t have to try and figure out how many days old a Baby looked. Or maybe he wanted to send a message to the population that he was the man in charge. We don’t know and it doesn’t really matter.

I guess the nativities still are incorrect. The shepherds and the wise men probably weren’t there at the same time, but I’ll let that slide.

In fact, none of this really matters or changes the story. The important part is that on that night in Bethlehem, the Almighty God came to earth in the form of a baby and started on the journey to the cross. Because of our faith in his life, death and resurrection, we’ll get to meet him in heaven and ask him all these questions!