– Ben Martens

New Model Y

Welcome to anotherĀ Tesla Tuesday!

Tesla usually just makes updates as they are available. They don’t wait for specific model years and the main things stay the same from year to year giving them good cost efficiency since most parts are compatible for many years in a row. However, they have been “refreshing” the cars in their lineup and the most recent one was the Model Y. This features larger changes with more incompatible parts between the two versions. Here are some exterior pictures of the new Model Y:

What do I think? I generally like it. I think the continuous front and rear headlights look nice. I think my biggest visual complaint is that the space below the rear taillight looks odd to me. I believe that the license plate mount is in the black part very low on the car. I have yet to spot one in person so we’ll see what real life looks like.

Feature improvements include a rear 8-inch touchscreen, better acoustic glass treatment, ventilated seats, an updated sound system, and new suspension. None of those are game changers but I’d be happy to have all of them.

I’m curious to see what this does for resale prices on the older models like ours in a couple years. I wonder how much of a difference there will be between the two models.

We aren’t itching to trade ours in for a new model though. The logic behind this purchase was largely about price efficiency so trading in the car now wouldn’t make sense. For those following along at home, we’re at 56,600 miles with $9089 in estimated fuel savings to date. Factoring in registration fees, service costs, estimated resale, etc, this puts us within a few pennies per mile as our old Beetle and still on track to beat our old Escape even ignoring inflation.

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