I finished up the poker table project last night. I probably would have finished it on Saturday night except that we lost power. We had a incredibly intense storm come out of nowhere. It knocked out trees, dumped a bunch of hail, and generally left the entire neighborhood a mess. The weird thing is that five minutes later it was gone. Unfortunately we lost power for a couple hours and it was right in the middle of my poker project. But regardless, the poker table is now done and ready for some action. I'm tentatively thinking of a tourney at my house on Sept 30 or Oct 1. Let me know if you're interested and if you have a preference.
The project didn't come out as well as I had hoped, but it's not too bad for three days of work. There are quite a few things I'd do differently if I was doing it again, but I documented all those on the project page for those of you who are interested. You'll find a link to it in the gray nav bar on the left or by clicking here.