I’ve said this enough that you probably know it by now, but even though people think about rain when they think of Seattle, we actually get less rain than most other major cities in the country. That being said, 2014 has ben WET. At this point, we’ve already received the amount of rain that we normally get by Halloween! Last Saturday was the second rainiest day in May ever. Even if we got no more rain for the rest of the year, it still wouldn’t be the driest year on record.
The long range forecast says we’re heading toward an El Nino weather swing which generally means drier weather for the Pacific Northwest so we’ll see if this keeps up. But for now, our umbrellas are getting a lot more use than normal. [source]
Related to that heavy rainfall this fall, we’ve also had a very warm month with the average temps in October being 6-10 degrees above normal. That’s why we still have so many trees with leaves on them. There’s no change in sight for this warm, wet weather.
(All of the info for this post came from Cliff Mass’s excellent area weather blog.)