I was flipping through the OnDemand section of our digital cable subscription and was surprised at some of the content they have on there. You can get a lot of the new movies that are out on DVD as well as some of the more popular TV shows, but of course you have to pay for all that. The free selections aren't too bad. For example, what happens when the karaoke bar changes their karaoke night? Just head on home and flip on the cable box. There are karaoke songs out there! And what happens when you get tired of hearing your friends belt out barely recognizable tunes and you want some authentic NJ lovin'? Flip on over to the section full of Bon Jovi music videos! They have music lessons for guitar and piano as well as a couple movies that I've actually heard of (including Warren Miller and Monty Python.) Comcast has a website that lets you search through all the content which is a lot easier than using the on screen guide. There's a lot of junk out there but there are a few gems worth finding. Now if only I could get OnDemand HD content.
iPod Update
I finished off the iPod project last night. When you sit down in my car you just see one small white cable that pops up from the floor near the cup holder. Plug that into the dock port on the iPod and voila! 30GB of tunes at your fingertips. I'm really happy with the way the project went. It could have been a nightmare but it was pretty simple. Check out the photos here.
Rocking the iPod
iPod Revolution
I've finally jumped in and joined the iPod Revolution. It's in it's fourth generation so I figure they've got it figured out by now. RadioOne killing off Y100 pushed me over the edge. Now I'm in control of my own music. I just got it last night so I haven't had a lot of time to play with it, but I'm already impressed. Apple knows how to market products. Everything in that tiny box is perfectly designed and well-packaged. They don't skimp on packaging material or the even the design of the box.
Setup and copying music to my 30GB iPod Photo was straightforward and simple. I used the included USB 2.0 cable to download all the music and charge the player at the same time. I dumped Outlook contacts onto the iPod and even a few photos so I can show off the nice color screen.
I plan to give it a full workout this weekend while I'm on the train up to NYC, but I don't see myself being anything but impressed. The next plan is to hook this into the stereo in my Mustang.
Halo 2 RSS .NET Web Control
If you understood the title of this post, then you've got issues. But so do I so keep reading. I just wrote a web control that reads the RSS feed of my Halo2 Xbox Live stats from the Bungie site. It scrapes out the last 10 games I played and shows them in a list. If you mouse over, you'll see the results of the game. If you click on the link you'll be taken to the Bungie site and shown detailed stats about the game.
I based the code on a similar RSS web control reader I found on Andrew Baum's site. I modified it to read from the Halo site and changed the structure of things a bit. Feel free to take my code and modify it. You can download a ZIP file here. The code is all in the ASCX file.
Upcoming Projects
The new house is coming together (aside from slight techincal difficulties with the dryer last night … there's no room in the breaker box for another circuit breaker.) There are two geek projects currently underway.
Mach Video
Jay and I will soon be making a trek to Virginia along with the other 2002 LDP's for the LDC3 conference. Along the way, we're going to stick a webcam in the car and take pictures with it about every second. We'll then combine the pictures into a video and you can see what it looks like to drive at about Mach 3 down to Virginia. This sounds kind of dumb, but I've seen it done before and it usually comes out looking pretty cool. I wrote up a program last night to control the webcam and store all the images.
Theater Room
I believe this is the first time I'm officially announcing this. Jay and I will be turning the first floor living room in our new house into our very own theater. Last night we hooked up the projector and planned out the stadium seating. Before long I will be making a separate page for updates about this project so you can follow along if you're interested. If it comes out even half as good as we're planning it should be a sight to behold.
Terrain Generator
The OpenGL terrain generator is moving along nicely. I talked to Matt today and figured out how to average my normal vectors so that the lighting looks more realistic. The simulation currently allows you to move around in the world, flip from shaded to wireframe, add/remove water, and change the water level. I think it looks pretty good right now. The next job is to use the diamond square algorithm to dynamically generate clouds.
Another Geek Project
I've gotten a lot of questions lately about what my “next project“ is now that the movie is done. You may have already noticed the new link to the right there called iPod Car Stereo. I'll be chronicalling the potentially disastrous results of my attempt to install an iPod in my car.
Also, it looks like the battle over Terri is over. 14 days is about the longest you can live without food and water and that's how long Terri lasted. It makes me think that she was pretty healthy physically, but you can make your own judgements from that. Keep up the good discussion in the comments on the last post.