Our church has been trying to get a new sign for years. It must have been three or four years ago when we raised the money for it, but for one reason or another, it never got completed. Late last fall, the project got kicked into high gear. TimS got the permit from the city, we moved all the landscaping back to it’s new location on a work day, FrankL did the masonry and TimS designed/ordered the sign. It finally arrived and last weekend I helped Frank install it! There’s still a little masonry work left on top and a two line reader board will go in at the bottom, but it’s getting close to being done. We’re having a workday in a few weekends to finish the landscaping around the sign too. I’ll post more pictures when it’s done, but this is pretty exciting for us after all these years of waiting so I wanted to get it posted.

Church Sign Progress
Our church has been trying to get a new sign for years. It must have been three or four years ago when we raised the money for it, but for one reason or another, it never got completed. Late last fall, the project got kicked into high gear. TimS got the permit from the city, we moved all the landscaping back to it’s new location on a work day, FrankL did the masonry and TimS designed/ordered the sign. It finally arrived and last weekend I helped Frank install it! There’s still a little masonry work left on top and a two line reader board will go in at the bottom, but it’s getting close to being done. We’re having a workday in a few weekends to finish the landscaping around the sign too. I’ll post more pictures when it’s done, but this is pretty exciting for us after all these years of waiting so I wanted to get it posted.