– Ben Martens

Chicken Pot Pie Stew

chickenpotpiestewChicken pot chicken pot chicken pot pie!

Last week I made an effort to cook only recipes that I’ve never cooked before. Sunday was crock pot day and I somewhat randomly picked this recipe. It ended up being delicious! Our crock pot finished it perfectly right at the 5 hour mark. It’s important to keep your chicken and potato pieces big so that they don’t melt away.

• 2 large skinless, boneless chicken breast halves, cut into cubes
• 5 medium red potatoes, quartered
• 1/2 (8 ounce) package baby carrots
• 1/2 cup chopped celery
• 1 (26 ounce) can condensed cream of chicken soup
• 3 cubes chicken bouillon
• 1 teaspoon garlic salt
• 1/2 teaspoon celery salt
• 1-1/2 teaspoons ground black pepper
• 1/2 (16 ounce) bag frozen mixed vegetables
• 1 roll of buttermilk biscuits

1. Combine the chicken, potatoes, carrots, celery, chicken soup, chicken bouillon, garlic salt, celery salt, and black pepper in a slow cooker; cook on High for 5 hours.
2. Stir the frozen mixed vegetables into the slow cooker, and cook 1 hour more.
3, Make biscuits!

Praying For Adversity

calmonbenchThere was a quote at church a few weeks back that keeps popping up in my thoughts. I’m probably butchering its original eloquence but it was something to the effect of “If you knew what God knows, you would have requested the all the adversity in your life.”

The Bible is full of verses explaining that God is omniscient, has a perfect plan for each of us and everything he does is what is best for us.

  • Romans 8:28: “We know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love, who have been called according to his purpose.”
  • Romans 5:3-4: “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.
  • James 1:2-3 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”

The list goes on and on, but it follows that if we had all that same knowledge as God, the logical best course of action would be whatever “terrible” thing that is bothering us right now. Of course we don’t have that omniscience so we can’t see the logic and intention behind it, but we trust that it’s there.

As Christians, we know all that, but I love how easily it is summed up as: “If you knew what God knows, you’d be praying for this.”

Election Debrief

election2016I picked a great year to avoid the election as much as possible. I unfollowed people on Facebook, avoided news stories and stayed away from political conversations Even with that, I obviously still got a deluge.

The Gore/Bush voting argument was a pretty big deal, but this election felt even more dramatic and it was dragged out for a longer time. I’m not going to rehash the whole thing over even pick a side, but here are some of my thoughts in my favorite formatting style: bullets!

  • Why were people so wildly upset by this? I know people who called in sick, people were crying on TV, and the moms in Tyla’s various social groups were totally distraught. One possible thought is that it has been 12 years since liberals/Democrats lost a presidential election. There’s a whole new group of people in their 20s and 30s who are experiencing this for the first time (assuming they didn’t follow it very closely in high school.) I imagine the first time is the hardest and after that it gets slightly easier… unless you’re on TV paid to overreact to everything.
  • I saw one picture that said something to the effect of: “One candidate is what’s wrong with society and the other is what’s wrong with government.” It’s probably not too far off. Can we please break up the shadowy cabal that owns the debate system and get some other candidates in the mix? Even if they don’t win, it would be nice to inject their opinions into the conversation.
  • Bing has really great data and maps about how every county voted. It’s eye opening to look at those maps and realize how many people around you disagree with you. Even in a very one-sided county, it’s still probably that only 1 in every 4 people didn’t vote with the majority.
  • Name three ways this campaign season different from American Idol… feel free to try for a while, but you can continue reading even if you give up.
  • The whole campaign season focuses on the differences between the candidates (and for good reason), but really the candidates are alike in many ways. They both want what they think is best for the country. Obviously they differ in many ways on what they think is the best, but these aren’t evil people out to blow up the moon while stroking a cat.
  • Along those same lines, I think it would be healthy for everyone to figure out three viewpoints they agree with from the opposing candidates. Whenever I take the “which candidate do you agree with” quizzes, I never get 0%. There’s always some stuff that overlaps. I think that can be a healthy first step to realizing that the other side is full of logical humans too. They arrive at different logical conclusions than you because they have different life experiences and different priorities.
  • We’re realizing that the media’s Hillary blinders obscured their view of what was really happening in the voting community. Can we also realize that their characterization of Trump supporters is incorrect? I’m sure there are xenophobic hate mongers somewhere in his supporter base, but they’re the vast minority. Extremists will always exist on both sides and it doesn’t do any good to stereotype the entire voting community based on those two extremes.
  • Whether your side won or lost the presidential election, don’t worry and don’t gloat. If there’s one common thread through almost every presidency, it is that fewer people approve of presidents when they finish than when they start. (Clinton is the notable exception which is really intriguing given all the impeachment talk.) Eventually people realize that the president really doesn’t have the power to do most of the things they promised in their campaign. This president will get to nominate a supreme court justice but otherwise, he’s pretty limited. The president is the head of the executive branch which means they get to direct the FDA, the EPA and a bunch of other federal agencies. They aren’t some all-powerful dictator that can enact laws on a whim. We attribute way more power, responsibility and importance to them than they deserve.
  • Take a minute to be thankful that we live in a country that has a voting system and a process for the orderly transition of power. We are blessed.

Hopefully we can all rub our ear lobes and let out a collective “woosahhhhhhhhh.” And next election, how about funneling even a fraction of that energy into local politics?

Fantasy Football – Week 10

2016_week10_elliottEach week I usually check the Bing NFL predictions to see what they think about the Seahawks game. It has been a long time since the Seahawks were not favored to win but that was the case against the Patriots. It was a great game and it was very refreshing to see the offensive line giving Wilson pretty good protection and a good run game. And the ending was very sweet: the Patriots had first and goal from the 1 and they failed with four chances. It was good payback for the Super Bowl (but obviously not at the same scale.)

Every week there are a few stat corrections and Yahoo takes those and updates all of our scores. They generally don’t matter too much, but last week there was a stat correction in the game between Luke and Logan. It was already incredibly close and the stat correction made it even closer. Luke’s score dropped just a little bit and almost changed the winner of the game. (Seems appropriate during election time, right? Maybe there were some hanging chads.) The net result is that last week’s game between Luke and Logan broke our all-time record for closest win ever.

In our league, Andy held on to his first place position, but it’s a firmly packed mess behind him. There are 5 teams separated by a single game. Nobody has clinched a playoff spot yet and there are only 4 games left in our regular season. It almost always comes down to a tie breaker somewhere in the league so every point counts!

No big change in our power rankings this week except that our top place team, Andy, reappears on the list.

1. Ben
2. Austin
3. Logan
4. Andy (+3)

  This Week Season All-Time
Highest Team Score Ben had 146.87 Logan had 170.69 (Week 5) Tim 200.51 (2015)
Lowest Team Score Jim had 74.78 Tim had 67.79 (Week 8) Andy had 41.29 (2015)
Biggest Blowout Ben beat Dad by 40.00 Logan beat Tim by 79.46 (Week 5) Luke beat Andy by 113.02 (2010)
Closest Win Austin beat Tim by 10.47 Luke beat Logan by 0.11 (Week 9) Was: Jim beat Ben by 0.12 (2012)
Highest Scoring Player Ezekiel Elliott had 39.90 for Ben Ben Roethlisberger had 43.90 for Andy (Week 4) Drew Brees had 60.54 on Tim’s bench (2015)
Longest Active Winning Streak Ben has 4 wins in a row. Was: Tim and Logan had 4 game winning streaks Micah (2011) and Ben (2015) had an 8 game winning streak
Longest Active Losing Streak Logan has a 4 game losing streak Was: Jim and Dad had 4 game losing streaks Kyle had a 14 game losing streak (2011)

The Grand Tour

the-grand-tour-33I don’t watch a lot of British television, but Top Gear is one of my favorite TV shows of all time. If you’ve never seen it before, pick out any of the reboot episodes (2002-2015) which corresponds to series 1 through 22. Some of my favorites are the Top Gear Polar Special, or Season 8 Episode 6 where they go camping in RV trailers. But basically anything that includes James May, Richard Hammond and Jeremy Clarkson is great.

Last year there was a big hubub and the BBC dropped them and replaced them with other hosts starting with series 23. I haven’t seen those new hosts and frankly I don’t really care to. The show was about the 3 people, not the cars or the channel it was on.

Amazon was smart enough to realize that and picked up those same three hosts for a “new” show on Amazon Prime called The Grand Tour. It promises to be everything we loved about Top Gear but without the constraints of the BBC execs. I have very high hopes for this and I won’t have to wait much longer because it comes out on Friday!

Bass Pro Swallows Cabela’s

bassprocabelasI’ve only lived in areas that have Cabela’s stores, but Bass Pro Shops has slightly more stores in the US. There are only a couple states in the midwest where they both have stores. Now they’re all the same thing. Bass Pro Shops has bought out Cabela’s. It sounds like they plan to continue the Cabela’s brand. This deal doubles the reach of Bass Pro Shops. It will be quite a while before the deal gets approved but it will be interesting to see how the joint ownership affects the stores in the coming years.

Parental Visit

Mom was surfing the internet a few weeks back and found some incredibly cheap plane tickets so she and Dad came out here for Halloween weekend. It was a trip that was too short, but you can’t argue with the price. We spent a lot of the time just hanging out at the house so they could get maximum Elijah-time. It was good to see them again, especially since we aren’t going back to Indiana for Christmas this year.

2016october_dadelijah 2016october_momelijah

Halloween 2016

Elijah chose to be a bumblebee this year. I don’t know where it came from but he made a pretty cute bumblebee (and it was thankfully an easy costume to put together!) He got a lot of use out of his costume. He used it at our church’s Trunk or Treat program, a Microsoft family day, a nursing home program, and of course in the neighborhood on Halloween night. He didn’t care much about the candy he receives but he loved being on both ends of trick-or-treating.

Below are a couple photos of him in his costume. My favorite is one from church: he’s wearing a bee costume, wearing some silly glasses that he “won” playing a game and riding a tricycle.

halloween2016 halloween2016_2

Fantasy Football – Week 9

2016_week9_mattryanThe Seahawks played a doozy of a game on Monday night. Jimmy Graham had two one handed touchdown catches and he hurdled someone. The man is incredible and it’s nice to see him getting used. I loved the shock of everyone in the stadium when Russell Wilson ran in for that first touchdown. It felt like a collective, “What?! He can do that again?” Thankfully he’s good enough that her was able to keep the passing game alive despite the horrible offensive line and complete lack of a running game. It was a nail biter to the end. And oh yeah, that mess at the end of the first half was beyond ridiculous. (Also ridiculous: people who spell ridiculous with an “re” as if they are “diculous” again.)

Our league was really low scoring in most of the games. Austin and I scored a lot of points but five other teams didn’t break 100. There were some very close games with Dad and Logan coming out on the bad end of those. Dad gets the deadbeat award for missing two roster spots, but he already apologized for that one. Please keep an eye on those rosters because our league is so tight that it doesn’t take much to change the list of teams that make the playoffs… we only have 5 games left! This week’s big game in our league is Luke vs. Logan (1st vs 3rd.)

1. Ben
2. Austin (+1)
3. Logan (-1)
4. Luke

  This Week Season All-Time
Highest Team Score Ben had 149.19 Logan had 170.69 (Week 5) Tim 200.51 (2015)
Lowest Team Score Dad had 94.06 Tim had 67.79 (Week 8) Andy had 41.29 (2015)
Biggest Blowout Ben beat Austin by 18.31 Logan beat Tim by 79.46 (Week 5) Luke beat Andy by 113.02 (2010)
Closest Win Luke beat Logan by 0.21 Was: Tim beat Dad by 0.45 (Week 4) Jim beat Ben by 0.12 (2012)
Highest Scoring Player Matt Ryan had 35.76 for Ben Ben Roethlisberger had 43.90 for Andy (Week 4) Drew Brees had 60.54 on Tim’s bench (2015)
Longest Active Winning Streak Ben has a 3 game winning streak Tim and Logan had 4 game winning streaks Micah (2011) and Ben (2015) had an 8 game winning streak
Longest Active Losing Streak Logan has a 3 game winning streak Jim and Dad had 4 game losing streaks Kyle had a 14 game losing streak (2011)

Keep Android Unlocked

androidsmartlockPhones contain more and more high value, personal information. If you don’t have some kind of a password lock on your phone, you probably should consider it. Tyla and I both use a password and with our new phones, we also do a thumbprint. That being said, there are some times when you know that you’re the only one who will be touching your phone and the unlocking step is annoying. Thankfully, Android has a feature for that. It’s called “Smart Lock“. You can tell Android to unlock your phone based on location, connected Bluetooth devices, and a couple others. (I’m surprised that WiFi network isn’t on there, but maybe there’s no good way to identify a specific WiFi network since someone else could set one up with the same SSID and MAC address.)

Obviously this feature should be used with care, but it’s nice to not have to unlock my phone sometimes.