– Ben Martens


2024 PDGA Portland Open

In addition to playing disc golf fairly regularly, Elijah and I have watched a lot of the pro tournaments online. They have a subscription network for live coverage, but we generally watch an edited version of the final round for free on the JomezPro YouTube channel. Most of the tournaments are in the midwest and southeast but there were a couple Oregon tournaments on this year’s schedule, so last weekend we made a day trip to Portland for day 3 of the 2024 Portland Open.

I didn’t really know what to expect and it was going to be a long day (6 hours in the car plus ~8 hours at the tournament) so I was hoping for the best. I had so many questions starting with “What is parking going to be like?” There wasn’t a lot of info available ahead of time about parking but I was thrilled to see that we could just street park within about a 5 minute walk of the course!

The tournament schedule had the ladies teeing off first followed by the guys. Elijah’s disc golf teacher was in one of the first groups of ladies to tee off and that had happened a couple hours before we got there. After checking scores on my phone, we made a beeline back to hole 16. There was almost no one around and we weren’t even sure we were in the right area, but then we saw his teacher come through. She spotted after teeing off and came running over to give Elijah a hug! We watched her through the final holes and got to chat with her after. She made Elijah feel super special and even took him up onto the #1 tee between groups to get a great photo by one of the big PDGA sign boards. You can see it on her Instagram account.

After walking around the booths and grabbing some lunch, we watched the top ladies groups finish up on hole 18. Then we headed over to hole 1 and parked ourselves in a great spot with some shade but also great views of the green.

It ended up being a magical spot. One of the first groups we watched had Niklas Anttila in it (one of Elijah’s favorites.) As Niklas walked by, he fist bumped Elijah and blew Elijah’s mind! It was a tiny act but the unnecessary kindness of it was so wonderful.

That was more than we expected but it certainly wasn’t the end. When Andrew Presnell came through, his caddy handed Elijah a signed trading card. And then when Ricky Wysocki came through, his caddy rummaged around in his bag for quite a while and came out with a Ricky t-shirt in Elijah’s size! Elijah immediately put it on and Ricky gave him a big smile as he walked by. Just being close to all the people he watches on TV was a hit but these extra interactions sent him over the moon. In this image below, we are back against the trees just to the left of the guy’s disc in his hand in front in front of the person in the red shirt.

We watched everyone come through and then we headed further out on the course to watch a few more players come through before finally settling on hole 18 to watch everyone come through again. It was about 10 minutes between groups but Elijah never once talked about being bored or tired even though it was about 8 hours on the course in total.

If Elijah had to pick one player as his favorite, it would probably be Calvin Heimburg. Calvin was in the second to last group. We got to watch him make a stellar eagle on the last hole. You can see us in this photo below to the left of the basket. We are all standing and Elijah has an aqua colored shirt on. Or watch this video for a longer clip of the video that this screenshot was taken from. You can see Elijah jump up and cheer.

If you kept watching that video clip to see Calvin’s putt, you might have noticed that Tyla and Elijah were gone. (I was standing there recording a phone video like a dork.) Earlier in the day, Elijah had picked out a Calvin Heimburg disc as his souvenier. After the round, he waited in line to get it signed by Calvin and even got a picture with him too!

As I mentioned, it was a long day and we were wiped out by the time we got home. The morning drive wasn’t too bad but it would have been really nice to have a hotel that evening. I was really thankful for the autosteer feature on the Tesla as it took a lot of pressure off both of the drives.

If you can’t tell by now, we were very impressed with the event. Yes, disc golf is still a niche sport, but they put on an excellent show. You can tell they’re putting a ton of effort into really polishing it as much as possible. But since it’s still picking up steam, it’s very easy to attend an event like this and tickets were only $21 (plus Elijah got in free.) The only time when a crowd was minorly annoying was on the final hole of the day with the final group, but realistically it was probably only 200-300 people. I was still able to see just fine, and there was zero traffic leaving the event.

Most of these same players will be playing next week a little farther south in Oregon. We’re excited to do this again sometime, but that’s probably a little too soon. We’ll have our eyes on the schedule next year though! Most events are east of the Mississippi but it’s nice to see a couple within driving distance for us.

A huge thank you goes from our family to everyone who made our day special, but especially Corey! She made Elijah feel like a VIP!

Sports Streaming Costs

I haven’t regretted cutting cable in 2018. We’ve saved well over $3000 by not having that bill. I thought I’d miss it for sports, but honestly, I found that I was happy not watching as many random sports. Rather, I found specific sports I wanted to watch and paid for their streaming services. It’s interesting how much the price of those services vary though! I did some research to try to figure out how much it would cost to stream various sports leagues. I expect this will be out of date even before I finish researching it.

SportFull Season CostComment
Formula 1$85If you watch the races delayed by a day or two it’s only $30.
NFL$350 (out of market games)
$400 (in market games)
Out of market through NFL RedZone and in-market through Fubo for 5 months.

NFL+ is an interesting option too for only $40/year. You get access to replays of every game shortly after it ends plus live local games, but it’s only on a mobile app.
MLB$130 (out of market games)
$480 (in market games)
Out of market through MLB+ and in-market through Fubo for 6 months.
NBA$150 (out of market games)
$480 (in market games)
Out of market through NBA Leage Pass and in-market through Fubo for 6 months.
NHL$70 (out of market games)
$560 (in market games)
Out of market games through ESPN+ and in-market through Fubo for 7 months.
MLS$199All games through MLS Season Pass add on to Apple TV Plus. This price includes 10 months of Apple TV Plus.
Golf$960All events through the Golf Channel on Fubo for 12 months
NASCAR$800All events through Fubo for 10 months
Disc Golf$130Alternatively, you can watch many of the events for free with commentary on Jomez Pro’s YouTube channel.
MotoGP$135All events through MotoGP VideoPass

Existing laws and contracts make it difficult to stream the major US sports because in almost all cases, in-market games are not available on the league’s streaming service. That requires you to buy into something like FuboTV which is combines all the braodcast and cable sports channels. Alternatively you might be able to use an antenna to catch your local games as long as they are on a broadcast channel. Leagues that completely control their TV writes are in a much better position (F1, MotoGP, MLS, etc.)

I currently pay for the F1 TV package and then I watch disc golf tournaments for free on YouTube. Every once in a while I’ll toss in a Seahawks game recorded from our antenna or a Purdue basketball game streamed on our free (through Comcast with ads) Peacock subscription.

A big key in all this is deciding whether you want all the games in the whole league, all of the games for your favorite local team, or just some random sports to have on in the background while you take a nap. The prices for those three can vary wildly.

Blyth Park Disc Golf Tournament

I played my first disc golf round in early August, so less than two months later, I’m clearly ready to enter a tournament, right?

We play most often at Blyth Park and I saw some signs up for a tournament. This was an “unsanctioned” tournament meaning you didn’t need a PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association) membership to enter. I figured it would be a stretch for my skill level, but the $40 entry fee included three discs and that’s about how much three discs would cost so it seemed like a reasonable way to add more discs to my bag and learn more about the sport. The catch was that you can only use those exact three discs in the tournament even though you’ve never thrown them before.

My tee time was at 12:30pm so I showed up around 11:30am not knowing what to expect. We got there just as an ambulance was pulling up. I quickly learned that a player had broken their leg on the course! It winds through the woods and there are some very steep sections. He took a bad step and SNAP! That delayed everything by about half an hour so I didn’t end up teeing off until 1pm. The injury happened in the furthest point from the road so it took them a long time to extract him.

There were three other guys in my group and thankfully they were all nice to play with. Most people in the sport seem to be very nice but there are always a few of “those guys.” The first whole on the course is very difficult. There’s a row of trees across the fairway and it feels a bit like the windmill hole on a putt putt course. You try to get it right but there’s a lot of luck involved (at least at my skill level.)

I was encouraged to see lots of other players hitting the trees too. That was a common theme for me during the day. Lots of other people struggle with the same things that I do. Anway, my tee shot survived the trees (in a different gap than I aimed for) and my next shot from about 100 feet out hit the chains and bounced out! I was thrilled with a par on that hole and told me teammates not to expect more throws like that from me in the future.

We were keeping score right in the UDisc app. I don’t know if there are other disc golf apps, but this one seems to have pretty much cornered the market. They’ve done a really good job with it and I keep all my scores in there. For the tournament, it easily let one person track scores for the whole group and all the stats show up right on everyone else’s phones so they can find errors, track live leaderboards, etc.

When playing the course normally, there aren’t official out of bounds areas clearly marked but they had them all marked for this tournament. Some of the baskets are within a few feet of the out of bounds line so that adds a significant challenge. On hole three, my putt hit the chains of the basket, bounced out, and had an agonizingly slow roll just barely across the line. So my par 3 turned into a 5. Ouch!

I can finish a round (10 holes) by myself on an empty course in 25-30 minutes. If I play with Elijah, it’s about 45 minutes. But it took us 1.5 hours to finish our first 10 holes. (For some reason this course has 10 holes instead of 9.) Thankfully, the weather was perfect. It was a real blessing for being so late in September. It was in the low 70s and sunny, and if there was anything to complain about, there was just enough wind to make you think about it on some throws.

I get to spend a lot of time learning my recovery shots when I hit a tree and end up off course.

I finished the first 10 holes at 4 over which is good for me. I’ve had two rounds at 3 over and if you factor in the OB rules that I had to contend with this time, I was very happy. Two of the other guys in my group were a stroke or two under par and the third guy was quite a few strokes behind me.

The second 10 holes was rougher and looking back, I think I was getting tired. It had already been a long day and I usually only play 10 holes at a time. The whole course is in the woods so it’s not uncommon to hit a tree, but usually I can recover and still get par or bogey. But I hit multiple trees on both holes and double bogeyed both. I was able to pick up a birdie later to offset some other less than stellar holes a little and ended up +6 on the back 10 for a final score of +10 over 20 holes.

Tyla and Elijah came to watch my final few holes and take some pictures.

There were some extra competitions happening within the tourney too. You could pay an extra $5 for an “ace pot” to be split among any players who got a hole in one. As far as I know, only one player got it so he won $500. (It was on hole 8 if you know the course. He had a good throw plus a bit of luck with a friendly tree bounce.) The other competition was “closest to the pin” on every hole. There was an orange flag marking the closest tee shot. By the end of the day, all of the flags were either touching the pole or within a couple feet. It was amazing to see some of those throws when I’m happy just to par the holes.

I’m waiting to see the official results with the full 100 players, but the UDisc leaderboard says I was 65 out of 84 players. My goal going in was to have fun, stay out of the way, and not be last. I’d say I accomplished all of those goals!

Will I do it again? Yes, but probably not very often. I like that you get free discs for playing the courses, but until I’m good enough to have a chance at making it into the money, I probably won’t do more than one a year. The top 30 players got a payout in this tournament and a score of +1 was the cutoff for that. That’s a big stretch for me right now but my personal goal is one round (10 holes) at even par. I have a ways to go before I’m in possible contention for the money but it seems achievable.

Running Recap

Back in early July I set a goal of running once a week for three weeks. I did that and kept going at a leisurely “once a week” pace for nine weeks. It was fun to see how rapidly my pace increased. My best two miles was 9:08/mile. That distance and pace aren’t going to win any races but I was proud of it.

The other goal I’ve always had was to finally run that 8 minute mile that our freshman baseball coach tried to make us run. I succeeded in that and ran a 7:45 mile.

So I’m stopping for now. I never enjoyed it and I don’t want to put money into rain/cold running gear or the time into figuring out how to work around the lack of sunshine. I could see starting it up again next summer and maybe even training for a 5k but for now I’m done. I realize this isn’t a dud of a post but I felt guilty quitting without announcing it since I wrote a post before saying that I was starting.

Kudos to all you runners out there. I now have a better understanding of what you do!


I have a secret… I’ve been running.

It started after I got to Thursday and realized that I hadn’t been outside since Sunday except to put up the flag and take out the trash. That can’t be healthy. So I set a goal of running once a week for three weeks. And I use “running” loosely. I decided it was ok if I didn’t run the whole way and I’d only go down to the stoplight and back (1.6 miles.) Even a brisk walk would be healthier than nothing, right?

Let’s back up even more and talk about my previous experiences with running. It started my freshman year of high school when our baseball coach would make us run around the border of our big high school property. If the entire team didn’t do 8 minute miles then the entire team had to run again. Clearly that was just a gimmick to make us run until he got bored. Miserable. We got a new coach sophomore year and that promptly ended but I’d still end up running laps around the field every day after I pitched to theoretically speed up recovery. In college, I thought I’d be healthy and I went out running around campus. I ended up feeling like I was going to vomit. Then I tried it again when I lived out in Jersey with pretty much the same reaction. So no, I don’t like running.

But I knew I could walk that far and jog part of it so why not. My main excuse for not doing stuff like this before was that I didn’t know where it would fit in my day, and now that I’m working from home, it’s a lot easier. So I got up and went for it.

And you know what? It wasn’t that bad. I was super tired and sweaty and sore and embarrassed at the extent of all that considering I only ran/walked 1.6 miles and my form is probably all wrong and I wonder what people thought when they saw my goofy excuse for running… but I was proud of myself for actually doing it. I did it again, and again (in the rain!), and then today I finally did the whole distance without walking and I didn’t feel like I was going to die at the end.

I’m not going to win any races with a pace up close to 10 minutes, but I’m doing it and each time it gets a little easier. Plus it’s also really nice to be out in this beautiful summer weather instead of stuck behind my computer.

I don’t know if I’ll ever fall in love with running, but I think we are making a truce for a while and who knows, maybe I’ll even run an 8-minute mile. (Just one though. I’m not delusional.)

Harlem Globetrotters

When I was young, I remember going to see the Harlem Globetrotters and being amazed at the show. I’ve watched their tour schedule for the past couple years and they finally came to the Seattle area. Tickets were reasonable so we snagged three of them.

Elijah had a great time and the show was very entertaining. I wouldn’t want to go every time they come to town, but we all agreed it was worth seeing them. They added a “four point line” a few years ago. It’s 30 feet from the hoop. That’s more than 6 feet beyond the NBA line! I wish I had kept track of their average but at one point, one guy made SEVEN IN A ROW. I was equally impressed by how smoothly they all worked together to put on the show while also appearing to enjoy enjoying it even though they do the exact same stuff every day.


First Baseball Season

Last winter, Tyla and I thought Elijah might enjoy trying out tee ball so I started doing some research and not only had we already passed the age group for tee ball, but it was almost too late to register for the upcoming season! Since Elijah and I have played a bit in the yard, I thought he’d be ok making the jump straight to a pitched ball.

Because of his birthday, Elijah was one of the youngest kids on the team and since he hadn’t played tee ball, he was a bit behind many of the other kids. It was a challenge at times but overall he had a good attitude and worked hard to catch up.

Pitching was done with a pitching machine. It was fairly consistent which was nice but some of the machines really ripped the balls in there. Elijah had a tough time figuring out the mechanics of swinging a real bat and hitting a real ball at that speed. He did get a few hits over the season.

He did learn a ton about the game. He knows where the positions are and has some idea of where to throw the ball if it gets hit to him. At the end of the year, his coach said he was the best ground ball fielder on the team.

It was fun to see him learning and being part of a team. I got a front row view for it. I wasn’t one the official coach or assistant coach but I helped out with many of the practices and all the games. Coaching was a challenge for me because it’s hard to watch kids throwing their gloves in the air and playing in the dirt. How do you draw the line between teaching them and constantly nagging them?

It will be interesting to see if he wants to continue when the next season rolls around. Hopefully he’ll want to continue practicing hitting over the summer as well.

Baseball Stories

This spring will be the 20th anniversary of my senior year of high school baseball. Baseball memories occupy a large portion of the “good times I had growing up” part of my brain. So at the risk of sounding like a pathetic version of Glory Days, I’m going to use this post to archive a bunch of baseball stories in one spot. This is going to be a crazy long one, but I’ll just get it all out of my system. I don’t really expect many people to read this post now, but maybe it will be fun in 40 years if I’ve forgotten some of these stories.

Tee Ball
My first time on the diamond was tee ball in 1987 (which means I was 6 during the season.) Dad was the coach and I was very excited to be on the “Cubs”. Our uniforms were powder blue shirts with simple white lettering on the front that said CUBS. I was #12 because I was born on the 12th and because my older cousin Tim was #12. The next year I played on the Yankees and Dad coached again.

One of those years, we had a girl on the team who was very new to the game. I don’t know all the details but I remember her having really thick glasses so I think there were some eyesight problems too. During one game, she was on second base and I had a good hit. As she ran from second to third, my Dad, who was coaching third base at the time, yelled “Run home! Run home!” I had almost caught up to her by then and I watched in horror as she ran “home”… straight on past third base and into the dugout.

Minor League
When I was 8, I moved up to the “minor leagues” and I played for The Dugout (a local sports store.) There was no “coach pitch” stage in our little league so we went straight from tee ball to kids pitching.

At some point we figured out that i had a pretty good throwing arm and I spent countless hours in the backyard with Mom and Dad catching for me as I learned how to pitch. Dad even built a pitching mound, and one year he set up a series of tarps and blankets hanging from the ceiling of the basement so I could get an earlier start on the season inside without anybody having to catch for me.

My pitching debut in a real game was a disaster. As I remember it, I had been itching to pitch and finally got a chance late in a game. I can’t remember all the details, but I remember I did terrible. I was in tears leaving the game and either Mom or Dad said, “You know, if you cry every time you pitch, they aren’t going to want you to pitch anymore.” As a parent reading that now, I imagine they probably said it more lovingly than I typed it, but I got the point!

Major League
I moved up from The Dugout to play on Van Overberghe Builders the next year. I remember that it was a bit of a family decision about whether or not it was ok for me to move up after just one year. I played for that team for 5 years (from ages 9-13). Looking back, it does seem kind of crazy to have a 4th grader playing against 8th graders, but I guess it worked out. I have so many stories from this phase of my baseball time.

It was during this period that I met my arch nemesis: Walt. I still remember his last name but I’ll leave that out. Walt was an umpire for our league and he was impossibly bad. Not only could I see him actually closing his eyes when the ball came in, but he even tried to explain away his ineptitude. For example, he came up to me after one game and said, “Ben, I know a lot of those balls looked really close but they were over the black part of the plate so I couldn’t call them strikes.” Polite young Ben probably mumbled something appropriate, but in my head I was screaming, “You’re telling me that a ~3 inch baseball passed over a ~1 inch PART OF THE PLATE and you saw this WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED so you couldn’t call it a strike?!” When he was umping, my catcher would sometimes put down a fist. That meant “Throw it at the umpire’s head and I will accidentally not catch it.” Years later at Purdue, I ended up talking to a girl in one of my classes. Yada yada yada at some point she said her last name was [redacted]. I said, “Wait… is your dad’s name Walt?” “Yes. How did you know that?” “I gotta go. Bye.”

I got pretty good at pitching during this time and I even had a 6 inning game with 18 strikeouts (meaning every single out in the game was a strikeout.) But was it a no-hitter? No. My friend Chucky got a triple with two outs in the last inning. We played on All-Stars together so I knew him well but I’m pretty sure I used his nickname at that point: Up Chuck.

That ball field played host to one of the two most gruesome injuries I’ve witnessed in sports. It was either John or Jay who was pitching (they were twins) and a line drive went right back at him. It caught him directly in the pelvis and shattered it. That scream still haunts my nightmares.

Being that it was the early 90s, there isn’t a lot of photographic or video evidence of my playing, but in my first year of the major leagues on Memorial Day weekend, Uncle Dean and Aunt Sandy brought their giant VHS camcorder to one of my games. Here are a couple brief clips of my unimpressive batting abilities. (I wore jersey the #1 that year.)

One summer I remember getting to pitch a little more often than the rules allowed. (There were limits on how many pitches you could throw in a certain number of days.) I don’t know if that was the cause or if it was something else, but I royally screwed up my elbow. The end result was that I couldn’t open up my arm much past a 90 degree angle. Mom spent a lot of evenings massaging that tendon, and that, coupled with months of not playing baseball finally got me back on track. That injury continues to plague me to this day, but I was able to keep it at bay enough to avoid any kind of surgery.

I really enjoyed playing in that league and I made the All Star team many of the years. The summer between freshman and sophomore years, I played on an older kids team with some of the same guys who were on the All Star team with me but I don’t remember too much about that league.

High School

My high school was pretty small (~140 people) so it wasn’t too difficult to make the baseball team. We didn’t have enough guys to have separate varsity and JV teams. My freshman year was a dud. I distinctly remember playing a grand total of 6 innings and all of those were in right field. Two of those innings were in snow so thick I could barely see home plate. Nobody wanted to bat because our hands were frozen.

Going into my sophomore year, the old head coach left and the assistant coach took over. He finally gave me the shot at pitching that I had been requesting my whole freshman year. I took full advantage of that opportunity. I really excelled during my junior and senior seasons though. We went 20-6 my junior year (we were ranked 10th in the state!) and we made it to the district championship game my senior year. (Michigan baseball levels were conference, district, region, state.) I pitched as much as the rules would allow me those years and played a little outfield as well. Batting was never my thing and I was regularly DH’d for unless they needed a bunt. I could bunt anything. It was far from a flashy skill. I only hit a baseball over the outfield fence twice in my entire life and both of those were in practice. I still remember the shocked look on Coach Cox’s face.

My main pitches were the two seam fastball, four seam fastball, cutter and splitter. The four seam fastball was probably 80% of the my pitches though. I could target it pretty well and there weren’t many kids in our area who could catch up to it so it worked well for me. I only got to throw with a radar gun a couple times but I remember topping 80mph. In a game scenario, I’d guess I was throwing in the high 70s. Every once in a blue moon I’d throw a knuckleball, although that was more in little league than high school. I also tried a changeup and curveball. When the curveball worked it was gloriously wonderful, but it had about a fifty fifty chance of just floating across the plate. I didn’t have many home runs hit off me, but most of those home runs were failed curve balls.

In addition to the fastball, my other weapon was a pretty good pick off move. I held the school record for picking runners off. I know I still held it as of 2007. I wonder if I still do? I think the record I set was 16? We played about 25 games a season so most games and I only pitched in probably a third of them so my average was over 2 pickoffs per game. I also held (hold?) the record for most strikeouts in a game: 19.

Remember In little league how I had missed a no-hitter by that one hit from my friend Up Chuck? In high school, I had a perfect game going (no hits AND no walks) until the batter arrived at the plate with two outs in the last inning. I totally choked and walked him. Then I struck out the next guy. So I got a no hitter but missed a perfect game because I choked. That still bugs me.

I hit plenty of people with pitches over the years, but I only did it on purpose one time and I felt terrible about it. But remember how I said the broken pelvis was one of the two most gruesome injuries I saw? Well, the second one was me hitting someone with a pitch. And not just anyone… it was the very first inning of a game against a very good team and the batter was their star player. I almost started a fight when I nailed the kid directly in the elbow and broke it. THAT was a disgusting sound. We had to stop the game for the ambulance. I felt sick about it.

Looking back at my time pitching, I’m amazed that it never scared me to be in such a vulnerable position as people crushed balls at me with metal bats. There’s so little time between completing the pitching and getting the glove back up to protect yourself. I got hit a few times including one right in the middle of my back that left a huge bruise. I also made some great plays. There was one line drive that came rocketing back up the middle and I was relieved to somehow have squeezed out of the way. I turned around to see where the ball went and everyone was cheering. I couldn’t figure out who had the ball until I looked in my glove. As I jumped out of the way, I had caught the ball behind my back! I mean, um, I totally planned that.

A less amazing play came towards the end of a game. The softball team had already finished their game so a bunch of the girls from my school were sitting in the stands watching us. There was a sky high pop up along the third baseline. It was either a play for me or the catcher and I knew I had priority so I called him off. But he was standing right next to me like he was going to make the play too. I didn’t want to look away from the ball so I kept screaming louder and louder to get him to move. “I GOT IT!!!!” After I made the catch, I looked down and my catcher was standing calmly behind home plate laughing at me. “Ok dude, I get it. You got it.” My face was beet red.

When I wasn’t pitching, I was usually in the out field. I had a decent glove and my arm was of great use from the outfield too. I remember throwing a lazy runner out at first base all the way from left field, but the ultimate came when I was playing right field. It was a long fly ball and I knew the runner on third was going to tag. I backed up, caught the ball while moving forward, crow hopped and threw a laser beam right to the catcher. The throw was placed perfectly to nail the guy at the plate. Forget pitching. Throwing a guy out at home plate from the outfield is my favorite play in all of baseball. It’s something that you don’t get to do very often, and when it happens, everything has to be perfect to make it work.

I had some less than stellar moments in the outfield too. Sometimes for practice, Coach Cox would split the team in half and we’d scrimmage. We took it a little too seriously. I was playing left field when there was a shot that was going over my head. I sprinted back and realized that I was going to get there to make the catch. Just as I watched the ball go into my glove, the lights went out. I came to slumped over the half-height outfield fence. I had knocked myself out by running into the fence! And worst of all, the ball had trickled out of my glove and was laying on the ground. I heard my teammates laughing. My coach was sprinting out to check me out and he yelled “IT’S NOT FUNNY! HE HAS TO PITCH TOMORROW!” I gave that fence a pretty good whack. It bent one of the metal poles that was cemented into the ground. That pole was still bent when I went back many years later to see the field again.

I made the All District team a couple times and I made Academic All Region and Academic All-State which only included people with at least a certain GPA so it’s as prestigious as the regular All-Region/State teams. My career ERA was 1.67.

Post High School

My senior year of high school was the end of my baseball playing days. I went back once or twice for practice and quickly learned how much skill I had lost. I had a hard time just throwing good pitches for batting practice.

I did have scholarship offers from two smaller schools. Tri State University (now called Trine?) and Valparaiso University both wanted me to play baseball and offered me full scholarships, but their computer science programs were far behind Purdue so I opted for academics (and a tuition bill) over sports. Part of me wishes that I had tried out for the team at Purdue just so I could get cut. I highly doubt I would have been good enough to play Division 1 baseball, but it would have been nice to know that for sure. While I was there, I kept reading about how they needed pitchers. But on the flip side, it’s highly unlikely that I would have had time to play baseball while getting a double major and a minor. I don’t even know if I’d do it differently given the choice. It’s just one of those “Hmm, what if?” questions that I think about from time to time.

I’ve played slow pitch softball off and on throughout the years. That turns out to be a lot of fun. Batting is about a million times easier and my arm still comes in useful in the outfield (although I still have to baby my elbow a bit.) The first time I ever tried softball was for a church in Illinois while I was a summer intern at John Deere. I explained how terrible I was at batting, but they encouraged me to play anyway. My first at bat was from a story book. With no practice, I walked up to the plate with the bases loaded and proceeded to hit a home run over the fence. Grand slam! Nobody believed me when I said that was the first time I’d ever done that in any kind of a game. I think that’s the last time I ever did that too since we usually play on pretty big fields. I’ve had plenty of the inside-the-park variety though. Yay for short base paths!


Baseball was such a huge part of my life growing up. As Elijah gets older, I think a lot about how we’ll figure out what he loves and help him spend time doing that. Thank you Dad and Mom for all the sacrifices you made so that I could play baseball! And thanks to all the great coaches that I had including Dad, Coach Hanyzewski, Coach Cox and Coach McNair.

Free Throw Summary

I might get a few more rounds completed in my “25 Free Throws A Day” challenge, but it’s getting dark so early that it’s unlikely I’ll have too many more. So let’s take a look at how the stats shook out.

  • I shot a total of 1625 free throws and made 1125 of them. (That doesn’t count the warm up free throws.) That comes out to 69%.
  • My five and ten round averages generally increased. At the end, my five round average was 21 and my 10 round average was 20.5.
  • My best was 22/25 and I hit that pretty early in the summer. I got it again a number of times but could never break through. I definitely choked a few times. For example, I once made it to 22/23 and proceeded to miss both of the next two shots because I was so excited about setting a new record. At the end, I finally got 23/25 a couple times.
  • I feel like a perfect streak is within reach. I might keep going with this next year until I make that happen. If I can do that, I’ll be 0.48% of the way to the record of 5221 consecutive free throws made.

This whole thing started as an excuse to get outside every evening so from that point of view it was a big success. I wanted to do a better job of enjoying our beautiful summer weather. It was fun to watch the improvement along the way.

If I do continue this next year, I think I’ll change it up a bit and count the most consecutive free throws made. That makes it a lot easier to “warm up”. This year I struggled with the warm up period. Should I just shoot until I feel like I’m doing well and start counting? Or should I take 10 warmups every time? It was kind of squishy. Counting the number of consecutive free throws made means that I don’t have to worry about a warm up period and I can shoot for as long as I want before stopping. I have plenty of time to mull that over while I wait for the sun to return next spring/summer.

25 Free Throws A Day

This summer I challenged myself to shoot 25 free throws a day. It’s a good excuse to get outside, enjoy the longer days, chat with neighbors, and I also wanted to see how good I could get if I did it every day. Well of course I haven’t actually done it every day, but I’ve come pretty close. And of course I tracked all the data in a spreadsheet…

I’ve tracked 700 shots this summer and the biggest change I’ve noticed is that I’m more consistent than I was in the beginning. For example, my first four scores were 16, 9, 17 and 8. Now I hover much closer to 17 with a couple really good rounds mixed in. My record is 22 and I feel like it will be a long time before I beat that, but I’ll keep going and see what happens. The trend is going up, but if you take out those first four rounds, the slope of the line is still positive but much shallower.I don’t have data for this, but it feels like I usually get better as the round of 25 goes on. So would my average go up if I did more in each round? I might mess with the experiment a little bit too and change to either “how many shots does it take to make 25” or just “how many did I make out of 50”.

Mentally I’ve been comparing this to trap shooting. Both use rounds of 25 and both have a big mental factor once you learn the basic physical skills. At this point, I’d say that free throw shooting is harder than trap shooting which seems crazy to me thinking about the physics of it. But the number of free throws shot over my life is dramatically higher than the number of clay birds I’ve broken and yet, my trap shooting scores are generally better than my free throw scores. I also believe that if you look at professional trap shooters, they have higher success percentages than professional basketball players shooting free throws.

Maybe I think too much about going outside to enjoy the sunshine…