– Ben Martens

Tulip Festival

The Skagit Valley Tulip Festival is a pretty big shin dig in these parts. Imagine 100,000 of your closest friends driving up I-5 and then getting off on some tiny exit to sit in traffic in fields. Usually Tyla and I head up there on the motorcycle with ~100 other riders for the annual Tulip Ride, but we missed it this year because it fell on our one year anniversary. So this year we headed up there with Tim and Chelsea and had a blast! When we’re there on the bikes, we’re going on a prearranged date and we have a schedule to stick to. This time we waited for a glorious sunny day and took our time.

While I’ve seen the fields before and it’s not really anything new, I was very excited to take the camera out for a spin. I still wonder how many spectacular pictures I’m missing, but I do feel like I’m getting a few more keepers as the weeks go on.

You can view them in the photo gallery under Tulip Festival. The six newest photos are from this trip. I’ll spoil the surprise and add my favorite one to this post, but head into the photo gallery to see the rest.

PS. If you have an eye for photography and have suggestions about how I could have improved any of these photos, please let me know! Don’t worry about offending me. Whether it’s bad composition, post-processing, or anything else, I want to know!