– Ben Martens

Save 13% On Groceries

Maybe I take grocery bills too seriously, but in 2021 I have cut our bill by 13%. That does not include any savings from having a club card, buying store brand items, or catching the right sales. Here’s how I approach it:

  1. Track your spending! You can’t improve what you can’t measure. You can do it with an online tool, your credit card statements, or just by typing receipts into Excel.
  2. Safeway has a program called “Safeway For U”. You can clip coupons to your club card from their website and save extra money. Usually these deals save money directly but sometimes they can also give huge numbers of rewards points.
  3. Be smart about which credit card you use. Our American Express Blue Cash card gives us 5% back on grocery store purchases with no annual fees.
  4. For every $100 we spend at Safeway, we get 1 “reward”. Careful use of those rewards can save a lot of money. At a minimum you should be striving to get $1 back from every reward but with a bit of planning, you can get closer to $2 per reward. (Remember that rewards expire at the end of the next month. You can use the website to see how many you have expiring.)
    1. My first choice is to use the rewards to fill up with gas. 10 rewards means $1 off of gas and I can get 20 gallons in the truck so there’s my $2/reward goal.
    2. The Safeway For U website lets you use rewards to get free stuff in store too. This is a bit like playing the Price is Right because you need to watch for the deals that are close to the $2/reward target.
    3. If I’ve burned through #1 and #2 and my rewards are about to expire, I’ll use the 7 rewards for $10 off coupon.
  5. The final trick that we use is to watch for gift card deals. Especially around holidays, they will sometimes off 4 points per $1 spent on gift cards. So if I buy a $100 Safeway gift card, that translates into 400 points which is 4 rewards which is $8. Plus I’ll get 5% back on my credit card and there’s my 13% back! Honestly I don’t do this one quite as much though because I really dislike having gift cards sitting around. So if I do this, I’ll usually walk into the store, buy the gift card, then do my grocery shopping and immediately use the gift card.

Cheap? Frugal? Thrifty? Miserly? However this strikes you, I think the biggest draw for me is turning a chore into a game. It doesn’t take much extra time and I can calculate my “score” at the end of the year. It’s the same reason why I always try to sort my list into order that I walk through the aisles at the store: it keeps me entertained.

Fantasy Football – Week 14

We still have one more week in the regular season to play but our first week of the playoffs is already locked. Here’s what we’ll see in week 16:

  • Logan vs Andy (1 vs 4)
  • Tyler vs Ben (2 vs 3, seeds may swap)
  • Nick vs Chelsea (5 vs 8)
  • Tim vs Luke (6 vs 7, seeds may swap)

Logan and Tyler looked dominant this week. They both toppled the season high school record with Tyler putting up 176.03. Tyler has been up and down like the rest of us, but Logan’s total season score is 11% higher than the next highest total (me.)

Chelsea almost came away with her third win of the year but one of her players tested positive for COVID early Monday afternoon and there’s not much you can do to recover from that as a fantasy manager. Good news for Nick. Bad news for Chelsea.

The other news from this week is that Logan has tied the all time record for winning streaks. In week 15 he’ll face off against Nick to see if the can keep the streak alive.

There are some changes in the power rankings but Logan has been on top since week 7 and he stays there again this week.

  1. Logan
  2. Tyler ▲2
  3. Luke ▲3
  4. Nick ▼2

On to the weekly awards…

 This WeekThis SeasonAll Time
Highest Team ScoreTyler had 176.03Was: Andy had 167.86 (Week 6)Luke had 202.63 (2019)
Lowest Team ScoreAndy had 81.24Andy had 60.86 (Week 9)Andy had 41.29 (2015)
Biggest BlowoutTyler beat Tim by 56.36Chelsea beat Andy by 77.04 (Week 3)Luke beat Andy by 113.02 (2010)
Closest WinNick beat Chelsea by 2.62Logan beat Ben by 0.92 (Week 10)Tyler beat Nick by 0.01 (2018)
Longest Active Winning StreakLogan has an 8 game winning streakWas: Logan has a 7 game winning streak (Week 13)Micah (2011) and Ben (2015) had 8 game winning streaks
Longest Active Losing StreakChelsea has a 4 game losing streakChelsea had a 5 game losing streak (Week 9) and Nick had a 5 game losing streak. (Week 12)Kyle had a 14 game losing streak (2011)
Highest Scoring PlayerJosh Allen had 39.22 for ChelseaJonathan Taylor had 51.90 for Nick (Week 11)Drew Brees had 60.54 on Tim’s bench (2015)
Lowest winning scoreNick won with 110.24Andy won with 89.80 (Week 8)Tim beat Jim with 79.34 (2015)
Highest losing scoreLuke lost with 121.42Logan lost with 143.14 (Week 6)Tim lost to Luke with 169.11 (2019)

Custom Card Boxes

We play quite a bit of Uno and Phase 10 in our house, but just like when I was growing up, the boxes for those games are barely holding together. I thought it would be an interesting project to try and build boxes to hold the cards, and it would be a good way to use up some scrap wood too.

My first attempt used a method that I learned about from Steve Ramsey, though I’m sure he didn’t invent it. With some careful router work, you can end up with a lid that perfectly fits onto the box. The corners were 45 degree miters while the top and the bottom fit on with some rabbets. The router cuts technically worked ok, and one of them was sufficiently snug, but the other one was way too loose. There’s a very fine line between not fitting and too lose. Since the lids flopped off and I didn’t feel satisfied, I finished the boxes with spray lacquer and gave them to Elijah.

I wanted to try again, but instead of just remaking the same thing, this time I decided to make box joints. And instead of having the top and bottom overlap the sides, I set them into dadoes in the does so they’d be flush. The lid didn’t get glued in and was able to slide out the shorter front piece. That plan worked better and those box joints are really solid, but I still had fit issues. One lid fit very well and I got too cocky on the second one and sanded just a hair too long. It was good enough to use though. I thought it would be fun to put the logo into the top of the boxes and I tried making a paint mask with the Cricut as well as using a mask for a Scorch pen, but the paint didn’t look great and the heat for the Scorch pen ended up warping the wood. In the end, I used the laser cutter at work to engrave the logo on the top of the boxes, and they got finished with boiled linseed oil.

Is it overkill? Of course! But I enjoyed making all four and learned lessons that will help the next time I make a box… and a lot of woodworking is a variation on making a box.

While I was making this, I counted our Uno cards and we were missing quite a few so I ordered a new set on Amazon. The day after I wrapped up this project, the cards arrived… in a nice tin case.

Fantasy Football – Week 13

With Tim’s loss to Nick this week, the top playoff spots are officially locked. Thank you to everyone for keeping full rosters even if you’re not going to make the playoffs! Logan and Tyler looked strong and hold the top two seeds while Andy and I faltered in 3rd and 4th. Logan is also one game away from tying the league record for winning streaks. Let’s see if Nick can stop him next week.

Logan continues his stranglehold on the power rankings:

  1. Logan
  2. Nick
  3. Chelsea ▲3
  4. Tyler ▲1

On to the weekly awards…

 This WeekThis SeasonAll Time
Highest Team ScoreLogan had 145.88Andy had 167.86 (Week 6)Luke had 202.63 (2019)
Lowest Team ScoreBen had 95.26Andy had 60.86 (Week 9)Andy had 41.29 (2015)
Biggest BlowoutLogan beat Andy by 46.20Chelsea beat Andy by 77.04 (Week 3)Luke beat Andy by 113.02 (2010)
Closest WinLuke beat Chelsea by 5.40Logan beat Ben by 0.92 (Week 10)Tyler beat Nick by 0.01 (2018)
Longest Active Winning StreakLogan has a 7 game winning streakWas: Logan had a 6 game winning streak (Week 12)Micah (2011) and Ben (2015) had 8 game winning streaks
Longest Active Losing StreakChelsea has a 3 game losing streakChelsea had a 5 game losing streak (Week 9) and Nick had a 5 game losing streak. (Week 12)Kyle had a 14 game losing streak (2011)
Highest Scoring PlayerTom Brady had 36.62 for LoganJonathan Taylor had 51.90 for Nick (Week 11)Drew Brees had 60.54 on Tim’s bench (2015)
Lowest winning scoreNick won with 122.46Andy won with 89.80 (Week 8)Tim beat Jim with 79.34 (2015)
Highest losing scoreChelsea lost with 124.53Logan lost with 143.14 (Week 6)Tim lost to Luke with 169.11 (2019)

Driver Profile and Stats

Happy Tesla Tuesday!

One of the features we really enjoy on our Escape are the driver memory buttons. We both drive the car fairly often and we are very different sizes. Hitting the memory button automatically adjusts the side mirrors and the seat. Since we use it so often, I’m very excited for driver profiles in a Tesla. When you get in, you select your profile and it will not only store the mirror and seat position but also the steering wheel position and countless other things like mirror auto fold, cruise follow distance, acceleration mode, steering mode (comfort/normal/sport), stopping mode (creep/roll/hold), seat heat, walk away door locks, navigation settings, temperature, air vent direction, and much more. Now these settings are also getting synced up to the cloud so even if you rent a Tesla, you can apply all your profile settings!

If you’ve been reading this site for a while, you know that one of my criteria whenever I buy a new gadget is whether or not it has an API that I can connect to. I want to have access to all my data! Today I have apps running that collect weights from our digital scale, temperatures and runtime from our thermostat, runtimes from our irrigation controller, the list of beers I’ve tried, how much water our house uses by the minute, how much power we use by the day, and a few other things. I used to log every trip we took in our cars too before the service that I was using died. So when I looked into an API for Tesla, I got excited.

Tesla doesn’t officially offer an API but there’s obviously one available since you connect to the car with your phone. There are a few popular services which let you use that API to get nearly endless amounts of data from your car. I’ll probably end up using TeslaMate but TeslaFi is an option if you don’t want to host it yourself. These services pull down all the data from the API and store it for you to generate even more charts than what the Tesla gives you by default. This YouTube video demos the capabilities early in the video and then goes into information about setting it up. He demos it in the browser inside the car but you could view the info from anywhere. Imagine having a log of everywhere you drove, how much energy you used on each trip, and details like how long the seat heaters were used on each trip.

Pretty much everything in a Tesla is connected into the computer. Even opening the glove box requires a button press on the screen. At first that might seem unnecessary, but when you go that route, it opens up a ton of new capabilities. For example, now you can set up a pin code that must be entered to open your glove box. Or instead of just having a button to retract your mirrors, because it’s hooked into that central computer, you can tell the Tesla to automatically fold your mirrors in or out as you approach or leave your home. The same is true for your garage door opener (if you add the Homelink accessory.) There’s a pedestrian warning speaker on the outside of the car, but you can play Spotify music through it while you’re washing the car. And since all of this stuff is controlled by a computer, you can do a lot of these things from the app on your phone too.

The phone isn’t just for running the app though. It can also serve as the key to get into your car. It connects to your car via Bluetooth as you walk up, unlocks the car, and lets you start driving. Just put your foot on the brake to “start” the car and you’re off! It takes “keyless entry” to a new level. There isn’t even a key! (There’s also a card you can keep in your wallet as a backup or you can even purchase a fob if you really want one.)

So yes, some of the scenarios are silly, but I love the open world of possibilities. Instead of trying to predict every button or feature that needs to be added, everything gets plugged into the central computer. If users want some new integration between components, it can be added in software and blasted out to everyone’s car automatically.

2021 Christmas Ornament

Every year since Tyla and I started dating, we’ve gotten a new ornament as a memory of the year gone by. It has been admittedly more difficult to keep that going the last couple years what with the pandemic and all, but we’re still chugging along. This year we picked up an ornament when we went whale watching.

You can see our past ornaments in these posts: 2020, 2019201820172016201520142013201220112008-2010

Fantasy Football – Week 12

Officially Logan is the only one that has secured a playoff spot, but realistically, our playoffs are set with Logan, Ben, Andy, and Tyler. Thank you to everyone for continuing to start full rosters even if you can’t hope to make the playoffs!

We had two kickers post 21 points each this week! Daniel Carlson did it for Andy and Nick Folk did it for me. The season high is 22 points by Graham Gano back in Week 2 as a free agent. Last week Evan McPherson and Jake Elliott had 20 and 19 points respectively. Maybe it’s time for your kicking position to get an upgrade?

As I looked into the playoff picture, I thought about making a tool that would let me pick winners of games for the rest of the regular season and see how that affected the playoff picture, but then I realized that someone had probably already done that. Sure enough, came to the rescue. They read the data about our league and produce an awesome set of charts including playoff odds. I wish I had found this earlier in the season but I look forward to using it more next year. As you can see, Logan is a lock for the top seed in the playoffs but seeds 2-4 are undecided.

Team Name1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8thTotal
Goat Ropers97.72.150.1500000100
Kool Aid Kid1.168.5718.4811.850000100
Krazy Kanuck0.3312.6830.4254.272.300097.7

Another interesting page on that site is the schedule comparison. I’ve written a lot about Luke’s very tough schedule this year. If anyone else had the same schedule, the best they could have done was 6-6, so don’t question whether luck plays a role in this league.

This week’s power rankings show Nick peaking at the wrong time while Logan remains on top.

  1. Logan
  2. Nick ▲2
  3. Ben ▲3
  4. Tim ▲1

On to the weekly awards…

 This WeekThis SeasonAll Time
Highest Team ScoreBen had 131.38Andy had 167.86 (Week 6)Luke had 202.63 (2019)
Lowest Team ScoreLuke had 81.97Andy had 60.86 (Week 9)Andy had 41.29 (2015)
Biggest BlowoutTim beat Luke by 17.89Chelsea beat Andy by 77.04 (Week 3)Luke beat Andy by 113.02 (2010)
Closest WinLogan beat Chelsea by 2.59Logan beat Ben by 0.92 (Week 10)Tyler beat Nick by 0.01 (2018)
Longest Active Winning StreakLogan has a 6 game winning streak.Was: Logan has a 5 game winning streak (Week 11)Micah (2011) and Ben (2015) had 8 game winning streaks
Longest Active Losing StreakNick has a 5 game losing streak.Chelsea has a 5 game losing streak. (Week 9)Kyle had a 14 game losing streak (2011)
Highest Scoring PlayerLeonard Fournette had 40.60 for Logan.Jonathan Taylor had 51.90 for Nick (Week 11)Drew Brees had 60.54 on Tim’s bench (2015)
Lowest winning scoreTyler won with 92.73Andy won with 89.80 (Week 8)Tim beat Jim with 79.34 (2015)
Highest losing scoreNick lost with 119.75Logan lost with 143.14 (Week 6)Tim lost to Luke with 169.11 (2019)

Range Anxiety

Welcome to another Tesla Tuesday! Let’s talk about range anxiety. It’s the most common topic when people hear that we’re buying an electric car. “What happens when you run out of battery?” When someone asks me that, I usually ask “When was the last time you ran out of gas?” And that can be followed up with “Would you have run out of gas if your car was magically filled up every morning when you woke up?”

Everything in the car is built to help ensure that you never run out of battery. If you set your destination, you’ll be automatically routed to chargers along the way if you’re even close to not making it. And if you ignore the warnings, the car will become increasingly annoying at reminding you that you’re making bad choices. Pretty much the only way you can run out of battery is to do it on purpose.

But ok, let’s assume that you are somehow out for a drive and you magically end up with no battery. Then what? The first step is to call Tesla Roadside Assistance. If it was a car issue, they’ll take care of you, and if it was your own mistake, they’ll still help you but you’ll end up paying the bill. The likely response is that your car will get put on a flatbed and towed to a charger. After a few minutes at the charger, the car can be unloaded and you’re on your way.

When our Escape had a dead battery in our garage, we had to get towed to the dealer and I realized that I didn’t know how to get it out of the garage onto the truck. It’s a keyless ignition system so how do I turn on the ignition to put it in neutral? I finally found a “brake shift interlock” that solved the problem. There’s a similar procedure for a Tesla. You need to charge up the 12v battery enough to power the screen so you can put it in tow mode. Then it can be pulled up onto the flatbed. There’s a procedure for getting into the frunk mechanically and getting to the 12v battery charge points.

EVs can generally be charged by generators too as long as they are a nicer generator that puts out a clean sine wave. You probably just need a few miles of charge to get to a real charger. As EVs become more common, there will be more roadside assistance vehicles driving around with this option.

So sure, it could theoretically happen. I could theoretically run out of gas too, but I don’t worry about that. If range anxiety was a real thing, I doubt that all four of Teslas cars would be in Consumer Reports’s list of the 10 most satisfying cars (and three of the top 4 spots are Teslas!) Want range anxiety to go away? Buy an EV.

Fantasy Football – Week 11

Congrats to Logan who has become the first player in our league to clinch a playoff spot! His stellar 9-2 record is enough to at least guarantee him 4th spot, though at the rate he is going, it’s hard to him imagine going in without a high seed. Andy and Tyler continued their top 4 run with wins, making me the only top four team with a loss. There’s a pretty big gap between 4th and 5th places but it’s still possible that we’ll see some changes in the playoff roster with four games left in the regular season.

The weekly power rankings keep Logan and Tyler on top but Nick and Andy are climbing the ranks:

  1. Logan
  2. Tyler
  3. Andy ▲3
  4. Nick ▲1

On to the weekly awards…

 This WeekThis SeasonAll Time
Highest Team ScoreLogan had 154.47Andy had 167.86 (Week 6)Luke had 202.63 (2019)
Lowest Team ScoreChelsea had 96.55Andy had 60.86 (Week 9)Andy had 41.29 (2015)
Biggest BlowoutLogan beat Tim by 29.98Chelsea beat Andy by 77.04 (Week 3)Luke beat Andy by 113.02 (2010)
Closest WinTyler beat Nick by 1.09Logan beat Ben by 0.92 (Week 10)Tyler beat Nick by 0.01 (2018)
Longest Active Winning StreakLogan has a 5 game winning streakWas: Logan has a 4 game winning streak (Week 10)Micah (2011) and Ben (2015) had 8 game winning streaks
Longest Active Losing StreakNick has a 4 game losing streak.Chelsea has a 5 game losing streak. (Week 9)Kyle had a 14 game losing streak (2011)
Highest Scoring PlayerJonathan Taylor had 51.90 for NickWas: Justin Herbert had 50.82 for Tim (Week 5)Drew Brees had 60.54 on Tim’s bench (2015)
Lowest winning scoreAndy won with 116.89Andy won with 89.80 (Week 8)Tim beat Jim with 79.34 (2015)
Highest losing scoreNick lost with 125.72Logan lost with 143.14 (Week 6)Tim lost to Luke with 169.11 (2019)

Tesla Autopilot

Our upcoming Model Y, like all Teslas, come with some self-driving features but others are optional. The term “Autopilot” has a lot of features that may or may not be included with any given Tesla so in this post, I’ll try to demystify what they mean.

All Teslas come with Traffic Aware Cruise Control. This is very similar to what is found on a lot of other cars, though it’s fancier than cars that I’ve owned. When you engage cruise control, it will attempt to drive at the speed you’ve set. The max speed can be easily adjusted with the thumb scroll on the right side of the steering wheel. If a car in front of you is going slower than the max speed, it will follow at whatever distance you’ve configured. You can also configure the cruise control to always be set to X mph over the speed limit or X% over the speed limit. The cruise control will automatically adjust to the current speed limits. The car will automatically begin to slow down for situations like exit ramps (it uses the average speed of cars that have gone before you) or if someone pulls out in front of you. It will even bring you to a complete stop if the car in front of you stops. If you’re following a slow vehicle and you use your turn signal to switch lanes, the car will automatically speed up to your desired speed if no one is in front of you. I use cruise control a lot but frequently end up disengaging it to deal with traffic so I think I’m really going to enjoy this feature.

All Teslas also come with Autosteer. After the cruise control is engaged by clicking down on the right stalk, clicking down again will enable autosteer. Autosteer is recommended to be used on highways and interstates, but it can be enabled on almost all roads. This is a differentiator from systems like “Blue Cruise” which only work on specific roads. The autosteer system does what it sounds like: it steers the vehicle for you. We tried this out on our test drive and it was creepy and awesome at the same time. You must keep your hand on the wheel at all times and give it a little tug every 30 seconds or so to let it know that you’re still paying attention. If you really drive hands off and ignore what’s going on, you’ll get progressively stronger warnings until the system disables itself. (Drunk drivers have found themselves pulled over on the side of the road automatically.) The system isn’t perfect but from reading reviews, people almost unanimously agree that it reduces stress especially on long drives. You don’t realize how much effort it takes to just stay in your lane for hours at a time until you don’t have to do it anymore. I don’t know how much use we’ll get out of this feature around town, but it makes me excited to take a road trip and let the car handle a lot of the driving for me.

There are other features like Autopark, Lane Assist and Collision Avoidance Assist which have multiple options that can be configured. For example, maybe I just want a chime if I’m drifting out of my lane in most cases, but if I’m drifting into oncoming traffic and a collision is imminent than take over and get me back into my lane.

The next big features is commonly referred to as the Full Self Driving (FSD) beta but it includes things like Navigate on Autopilot, Traffic Light and Stop Sign Control, and Smart Summon. These features are not enabled by default and currently cost $10,000 extra. Smart Summon tells your Tesla to move to your location. It will exit its parking spot and come to you. I could see this being a fun party trick but the car moves too slowly or gets too confused in busy parking lots to be useful. The first two are the ones that are making all the news. With these features, you can get in your car, pick a destination, and let your car drive you there. You are still responsible and need to have your hands on the wheel but it will change lanes, make turns, and stop for traffic signals. The $10,000 price tag is hefty and most buyers do not opt for it, but Tesla is now offering a $200/month subscription service to temporarily enable them. This works because all the cars have the required hardware in them.

The Full Self Driving feature is still in beta and honestly, it’s probably a poor choice of name. This is generally considered to be a Level 2 self driving feature. The levels range from 0-5 and at level 2, there’s still a lot of responsibility on the driver. Tesla is furiously working to move up the levels, but for now “full self driving” is aspirational.

Waymo is one of the leaders in this space. They’re probably a level 4. If you’re in Phoenix, you can call a Waymo self-driving taxi to your location, get in the back seat, and then proceed to your destination with no human driver. (If you’re intrigued by this idea, check out Malcom Gladwell’s Revisionist History podcast episode titled I Love You Waymo.) It’s only level 4 because it works in a ring fenced area of Phoenix. You can’t tell it to drive you across the state, but like Tesla, they’re working hard to improve.

The tech side of this is amazing. Tesla has billions of hours of driving footage form their cars and they use this to train their models over and over again. They’re building their own supercomputers that specialize in these types of computations and employ armies of the smartest AI engineers. They held an impressive AI Day event in August and you can either watch the full event or get a 19 minute version of it.

While the tech and the enormous amounts of computing power are exciting to me, I’m also excited about the safety aspect. While it’s uncomfortable, the safety records of these systems already put humans to shame. 80-90% of people think they are an above average driver so it’s no surprise that people think they’ll drive better than a computer, but if you’re in that camp, watch that AI day footage and tell me that you’re processing that much information about your environment every second without a single lapse of attention. With so many Teslas on the road, there is already plenty of data to show how much safer it is to let computers drive. As of April the NHTSA says there is an accident every 484,000 miles, but if you’re driving a Tesla with Autopilot engaged, there’s only an accident every 4,190,000 miles. It’s not a totally fair comparison because there are some situations where Autopilot won’t engage, but still, they are approaching 10x better safety than humans. It doesn’t stop there though. Tesla is continuously improving and pushing out software updates on a regular basis to all the cars. They track the accident rates and it keeps going down as they improve. The computers have a lot of hubris to overcome, but the data is on their side.

So while it seems futuristic to have a car steering for you, the future is now… and Tesla has been doing it since 2015. With the rate at which they are progressing, it’s not hard to imagine that by the time I’m retired and too old to drive safely, I won’t have to drive at all, but I’ll still be able to get around.