– Ben Martens


Monday Morning Musings

It's Monday morning and I don't have anything particularly interesting to write about. (It's a good thing I'm not in marketing.) Let's start with a bulleted list and see where it takes us…

  • Jay has long been a SimGolf addict. I think I am too. I don't really remember much of the weekend. The game employs some sort of futuristic time-shifting technology whereby 20 minutes of gameplay results in 2 hours passing in the outside world.
  • That's the first time I've ever typed "whereby."
  • We had our first 80 degree weather on Saturday. I celebrated with a 60 miles motorcycle ride and sleeping with the windows open.
  • I started my own Easter tradition: bratwurst, mac & cheese, and Xbox. I suppose you think that an Easter tradition should be different from every other day of my life, but who are you to judge, Mr. or Mrs. Fancypants?
  • This week may involve the first Phillies tailgate of the year (Thursday.) Let me know if you're interested.
  • "I feel like a fugitive from the law of averages." – William H. Mauldin

And finally let's close out with a few chuckles:

I’ve Got a Fever

It's funny how some of my strongest memories are stupid things I've said and done. For example, I remember riding in the car with Mrs. Hintz around this time when I was probably 11 or 12. We were sitting at the intersection of Hickory and Cleveland in their old brown minivan. “So Ben, do you have spring fever?” … “Nope, I feel fine. I know a lot of people are getting sick though.” At least we were the only two people in the car for that one. It wasn't nearly as embarrassing as my answer to Mrs. A's “So Ben, have you ever had a yard sale?“ question on the trip from Boston to Harrison in a car full of people I didn't know very well yet. I think the recurring theme here is that I'm a moron.

Anyway, back to my point, I do in fact have spring fever. Our ever-reliable weathermen are predicting 68 degree weather by this weekend. (But then again these are the same weathermen who had live “Winter Storm Coverage” last Friday simply because it was raining all day.) This weekend was still chilly in the 40s but it was sunny. I got my car washed and my motorcycle cleaned and oiled up. It's time for spring. Ski season, such as it was, is winding to a close around here. Until I move west, March means grass showing through the snow.

Every season has it's charm, but the freshness, warmth and vibrant colors of spring make it my favorite. Bring on the warm weather, the sunshine, barbeque's on the deck with friends, and long Saturday rides on the motorcycle. Bring on rollberblading along Kelly Drive, tailgating at Phillies games, and the endless debate over whether or not someone will punch Hibbs at the next softball game.

I'm declaring an end to winter in Philly. It's spring. I'm ready.

PS. If you don't understand the image I chose for this post, watch this SNL clip.


It's Friday. The engineers have shunned their tan khakis in favor of jeans that are a little too tight and ditched the brown shoes for the velcro sneaks. It's like a fashion runway at a bingo tournament.

I must say that even though it's rainy and cool outside, I'm in a pretty good mood today. It has been a great week. I've been out of my house the past three evenings and that's always a good thing (except my Xbox is feeling neglected.) Tuesday night was Valentine's Day, Wednesday was our ski trip escape, and last night was a melding of representatives from three different groups of friends at PJ's. (Cue the clip from George on Seinfeld: My worlds are colliding!) My only regret is not getting out on the motorcycle during the warm days we had, but there will be more days time for that in the coming months.

I have no big plans this weekend, but catching up on sleep is high on my list. Sunday afternoon will be filled with HD NASCAR. The rest of the time will be periods of Xbox360, chewing, and sleep (did you know you technically cannot catch up on sleep?) Sounds like a good time to me. Three meetings and 6.5 hours of work stand between me and freedom.

2005 Year In Review

This is the third installment in my "Year In Review" series. You can head back in time to read 2003 and 2004 if you're interested.


2005 has come and gone. It's sort of memorable for it's lack of a major life changing event. For the past twenty-something years of my life, I've had something big happen every year or two. This year just  kind of slid by while I sat at work. I guess that's what happen as you get older. You work more, you play less, and time starts accelerating. While I'm thankful that no tragic events engrained 2005 in my memory, I also look back and wonder what happened to all that time. What did I accomplish this year? Well let's see…


Last winter was the first year I really took skiing seriously. I was on the slopes 11 different days which probably doubled the number of days I'd skied in the previous 24 years. Jay and I capped it off with a fantastic trip to Colorado. Not only did we get to experience Rocky Mountain skiing for the first time, but I got to spend some quality time with Chris. Chris and I have both come a long way from building those bike ramps into the rocks, but it's good to know that we can always sit down and pick up where we left off.


Springtime came with a fun decision. Pilot's license or motorcycle? I've wanted to do both for a long time, but I decided this year was the year for the motorcycle. The pilot's license isn't out of the question though. I figured I knew what the reaction to the motorcycle would be. I did it largely in secret only revealing the news once I had the bike in my possession. In retrospect I don't think it mattered much, but it was nice to prove to myself that I can actually keep a secret.


Two weddings kept me busy at the beginning of summer. The first involved an overnight trip across the country to the scorching desert of Tucson where it was about 300 degrees. It was worth the near death experience to watch Chris get married. I even ran into an old friend that I hadn't seen since my time at John Deere. The second wedding was Rachel's, and I now have a brother. He's a Settlers fan so I guess I'll give him my stamp of approval. The wedding was a blast. I got to play "crazy single older brother in a tux" which turned out to be the perfect role for me.


I played a lot more golf this year than I had in years past. Unfortunately, my golf game did not improve at all. Golf is probably one of the most frustrating things I do. I've played it since I was a little kid and even had lessons twice, but I never get any better. At least once each round I question why I even play, but the answer is always right there: the people. Golf by itself isn't all that great, but hanging out with friends for a couple hours in the sunshine is alright by me.


In the fall I headed out on a camping trip. The fact that we left while it was raining with a forecast of three straight days of rain should have been a warning, but it wasn't. It was fun to be out camping again, but pouring rain and near freezing temps are not fun. One of my goals for 2006 is to do more camping, but I guarantee it won't be done in frigid rain.


The year saw some fairly significant changes in my responsibilities at work. I became the unofficial team lead by default when the rest of my team moved on to other positions. It meant a lot more work, a lot more responsibility, and no extra money. We've hired a little and brought some more people on to the team so I'm learning how to divide projects and keep everyone busy. It has been a great experience and definitely a benefit to my career.


And as for that question that I'm always asked when I'm back in the Midwest, yes I'm STILL single. I had enough dates this year to keep things interesting, but none that grew into anything more. I seem to be the only one who is ok with that. Sure I'd rather be in a meaningful relationship than running around by myself, but I'm not freaking out about it. That's a whole post in itself and I'll save it for another night.


As I mentioned before, I did finish grad school this year. I now have a Masters of Science in Software Engineering. I completed my degree this December at Drexel. It feels good to be done, but it's also a little bit disconcerting. It's the last definable milestone I can come up with. In high school, I looked forward to graduation and heading to college. In college I looked forward to internships each summer and graduating. Then it was off to Lockheed where I couldn't wait be finished with the ELDP program. Then I started grad school and I had a completion date in mind that I was working for. What's the next major goal? A wife and kids? A new job? Retirement? Those are all pretty vague goals without solid dates. Now that I'm done with school, I need to find a new way to set goals and work toward milestones.


Thanks to all of you who visit my site. I've had a website since 1996 and a blog since 2003, but in this past year I've really started to see some increased interest. I've said previously that I do this for my own personal benefit and it doesn't really matter if people read or not. I suppose there is some truth to that. There is a lot of therapeutic benefit in this for me, but it's encouraging when I look at those statistics and see how many of you are reading. Plus I really enjoy the interaction with you and the great people I've met just by writing on this site.


2005 was a year of friendships for me. Some were old, and some were new, but they all made the year rewarding. I don't know if 2006 will bring any of those major life changing events that 2005 lacked, but it's comforting to know that I'll have some great friends experiencing it all with me.

Back to Work

All in all I have to say it was a pretty good three day weekend. I actually stretched it into a three and a half day weekend by leaving at noon on Friday. I'm still happy about pulling out a win in that poker tourney on Saturday night. Hopefully they'll invite me back for another one. My lack of projects from a couple weeks ago has completely gone away. I now have plenty of stuff to keep me busy and good ideas for future projects. Right now I'm mainly focused on getting my site completely operational on GoDaddy and getting Jay moved over as well. That's getting pretty close to completion. I'm also reading again. This weekend I made it about 70% of the way through the second Harry Potter book. We had such perfect weather this weekend that I spent some time reading outside on the back deck and put about 250 miles on my motorcycle. It's good to be busy with fun stuff again.

And finally I'll leave you with my thought of the day: "Mondays aren't so bad when they're Tuesdays."

Saturday Morning

Whatever happened to the days when I didn't wake up until 1 or 2pm on Saturday? It's 8am and I'm wide awake. On the positive side, it really is nice to get up early on the weekend because it makes your weekend feel so much longer.

Today I'm heading out on another ride with the Lockheed motorcycle gang. We're a fearsome bunch. I'm not sure where we're going but it will be somewhere up towards New Hope and the Delaware water gap. For anyone who has a motorcycle and is looking for a good place to ride, I stumbled across this site last week:

Hope you all enjoy your Labor Day Weekend!

Rainy Day

It's a pretty gloomy day here in Jersey, but that's ok since I haven't had much time to look out the window. I've been too busy answering my phone and email. Apparently there was a patch applied to a bunch of servers and it simultaneously destroyed every one of the applications I support. Yada yada yada…

But on to more serious issues. I find myself bored at home. This is the first time in quite a while that I haven't had a project. Going back to the spring of 2004, here are the projects I can work on (the big ones that I remember anyway): the arcade machine, moving to the new house, the home theater, [break for a couple months for skiing], car iPod setup, motorcycle license, and the Ticawa shirts. I've been thinking for the past couple weeks and I just can't come up with a new project that really grabs me. I have a couple programming ideas but nothing that has really grabbed my attention yet. Poker has been a good diversion but I only play that for an hour or so every night. (I started with $50 and I have about $62. Not bad.) What I really want is some snow. I want to ski! Last year the first day we skied was December 18. Assuming a similar start date that means I have 4 months to wait.

Anyone have an idea for me?

Sauron’s Helmet

Yesterday, Aubry, his friend and I rode up to New Hope. It was a nice little ride to the motorcycle mecca. We stopped for lunch and some Rita's and walked in a few shops up there. One of the shops we stopped in was a medieval shop with armor and clothing from that time period. They had a case full of Lord of the Rings props. One that caught my eye was Sauron's helmet. Can you imagine buying this thing and wearing it down the road as your motorcycle helmet? It's probably not a good way to pick up women, but I don't think anyone would try to headbutt you.

A Glimpse Behind The Curtain

Some people are impressed when I tell them I work for Lockheed Martin. I have a security clearance and write code that protects the country and brings peace to the world (by bombing the snot out of the bad guys.) I'm like a geeky James Bond. Maybe. I thought I'd give you a little glimpse into what happens behind the scenes in this high intensity work environment. The scene takes place five minutes ago in my cubicle.

I said, “I wonder what people would do if I started wearing my motorcycle helmet around the office.” I put on my helmet and went back to work. Pretty soon Rick had stolen the baseball that I keep on my desk and was throwing it at my head to see how well my helmet worked. So there we were… I'm wearing a helmet and typing at my computer while my cubemate is throwing baseballs at my head.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to saving the world.